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RoosterShield t1_j2ump45 wrote

>A long time? Even Miles Morales is on PC

Yeah, almost exactly two years after the PlayStation release. Console release was November 2020. PC release wasn't until November of 2022. Two years is a long time.


RBTropical t1_j2una3z wrote

You must be young. 2 years for a port the quality and standard of MM is nothing. GTA V took far longer and that wasn’t even an exclusive.

Blasto2236 - sure, if you wanna play your games at lower quality I guess


blasto2236 t1_j3h7vgq wrote

I’m not young and I consider two years to be a long time to wait. Given the amount of work it takes, is it actually a long time? No. But I’m also not going to wait two years to play games I’m interested in when there’s something that can play them now.