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ONESNZER0S t1_j3f2b1j wrote

They probably just live in the U.S. , where BILLIONS of hard working American's tax dollars were GIVEN to all the big, rich, greedy ass ISP's to expand high speed internet services, but they never did it, and just kept the money to buy vacation homes and lambo's and shit.

I live 8 miles outside of a city of about 150k people, and was in this exact situation a few years ago and had to pay through the nose for shitty Hugesnet satellite internet (aka shitnet) , where i was only allowed 10GB a month, yes a month, for almost 2 years until AT&T had an opening in their, slightly less shitty, DSL service. Cable does not service my area. I'm now using internet through my cell phone service, and it's ok, but not what I would like it to be. But you know, the U.S. is the greatest country in the world.... if you're one of the greedy, rich elites.


Azrial13 t1_j3fz8vf wrote

I'm so glad I live in the UK, whilst everything else is crap here, at least I have unlimited internet via broadband for only £30 per month, at 150mbps. Not the fastest granted, but would easily do that 33GB update within an hour.


bakedbread54 t1_j3gb1rg wrote

I wouldn't say everything else is crap here - we need to appreciate what we have


jbg0801 t1_j3hdx9b wrote

Nah the UK is a shithole. One of the only things we've really gotten right recently is internet.

Full fibre 500mbps for me, I pay about £60 a month for it.