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Azrial13 t1_j3fz8vf wrote

Reply to comment by ONESNZER0S in Should I sell my Series X? by Elkattio

I'm so glad I live in the UK, whilst everything else is crap here, at least I have unlimited internet via broadband for only £30 per month, at 150mbps. Not the fastest granted, but would easily do that 33GB update within an hour.


bakedbread54 t1_j3gb1rg wrote

I wouldn't say everything else is crap here - we need to appreciate what we have


jbg0801 t1_j3hdx9b wrote

Nah the UK is a shithole. One of the only things we've really gotten right recently is internet.

Full fibre 500mbps for me, I pay about £60 a month for it.