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threeolives t1_j3srxd7 wrote

If you mostly play multiplat games I don't see how you'd regret it. Honestly that's most games that most people play anyway. Plus it's been pretty rough the last couple years but when MS does (hopefully!) start dropping all of these exclusives they have in the works each one you're interested in is a $70 game you won't have to buy.

I personally only pick up my PS5 when a new exclusive comes out and I think the controller is cool but massively overrated. I'd like it a lot better if they'd crammed those cool new features into the DS4 form factor.

If you're interested in those PS5 exclusives though, and not just the Sony ones but FF and such too, it's definitely worth picking one up eventually. Looks like we're going to start getting more games that are actually made for the current gen this year so it's a good time to pick them up I think.