Submitted by L3thalPredator t3_10bxm52 in consoles

I currently play on a xbox one s, need an upgrade cause my one s is just over 7 years old now. My brother has a series X and it's pretty fast and looks good and runs everything good but how is the series S? I can get it for $250 locally where the series x is $500 everywhere. Should I just save or go with the S



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yaboyyake t1_j4cxva9 wrote

How long do you plan on keeping it and how much do you game? I think the Series X is worth it because I keep my consoles for 5-10 years or longer and don't want to just buy the updated version later on. $250 more seems like a lot but in a few years when the Series S is starting to show its weakness and limitations with new games I think I'll be glad I bought the X. If you're just casual and play indie stuff and don't care about graphics, performance, load times, then who cares!


L3thalPredator OP t1_j4d99sh wrote

I game almost daily for anywhere from an hour a day. To some weekends I play for upwards of 10 hours. I play games like Cod, Ark survival and war thunder. I currently have 88 games installed.


LosRiaso t1_j4cpj67 wrote

Depends what you're looking for. Series S is a perfectly capable 1080 60fps machine but if you want ray tracing and 4k go for the X. Would recommend Digital Foundry's recent video comparing Series S and Ps4 Pro performance, that'll give you the best sense of what you're buying.


SmiggleMcJiggle t1_j4e0l6x wrote

Get the X.

The series S is quite weak, and if you want to expand the storage it will cost as much as the Series X because Microsoft use proprietary storage.


L3thalPredator OP t1_j4e0yl1 wrote

I've got a 4tb external rn, wouldn't I still be able to play my non series x enhanced games from that? Pretty sure I could. And just re-download my other enhanced games on the console like ark, wt, cod, 2042, etc


SmiggleMcJiggle t1_j4e2a8r wrote

You can play your old Xbox One games from an external drive but next gen S/X Series games require inbuilt storage which the Series S has a very low amount of storage for a next gen console.

To expand your storage of the series S it costs £200 for 1TB which almost puts you at the Series X price range so it’s better to just go for the X from the start. It would be better if Microsoft allowed you to do use any storage rather than their official ones like with the PS5 because it would be way cheaper but that’s just how it is unfortunately.


Last_Distribution197 t1_j4eln3q wrote

Forget the xbox series s and go for the series x the graphics on the series x are absolutely brilliant. I watched my neighbour playing Call of Duty, modern warfare, and I have to say when I saw the game, wow, what graphics so life like. I play my games on a 4k TV my neighbour plays on a 4k tv but his graphics on his game are 100% far better than mine, and I play on a ps4 pro, and I am going to buy the series x I am hooked on the console after seeing what it can do with the games.


Big-Solution-3894 t1_j4fgpm9 wrote

I have both and I’d probably recommend the series x, just for the storage space alone.

I’ve never used a disc in it - all digital gaming.

I’ve played Elden Ring on them, and to be fair it looks great on both, but it does look better on X(as you would expect), and smoother. When the game gets a bit hectic, ie loads of bad dudes trying to kill you I noticed the frame rate slow down a bit on the s.

Having said that the s cost me £189 which is unbelievable value.

So this comment probably hasn’t helped you at all. Sorry about that.


creepyviolation80 t1_j4fnzt8 wrote

The Series S is still a powerful console and it's capable of running most of the games at 1440p resolution at 60fps and ray tracing which is a big improvement when compared to the Xbox One S. The Series S has a smaller form factor and requires less power to run, which makes it more energy efficient.


JimAdams7 t1_j4fqz3b wrote

Series X has a disk drive


DucKySla3er t1_j4gshaj wrote

One of the things you need to keep in mind is that developers are not wanting to publish to the series s because they have to cut down soo much performance so that’s it suitable for series s and x. Xbox are also considering stopping production of the series s because of the developers chooses


PackMan13xx t1_j4h6yo0 wrote

Do you have an OLED TV? If you're tv cost less than $1,200 just get the series S, they'll look nearly identical.


Bogmat t1_j4hsawp wrote

I'll give you a returning gamer perspective. I havnt owned a console since the 360 as I just fell in love with PC Building/gaming. I now have a 6yo and was looking at the latest console. I went with the X. Sure double the price however, it will last a bit longer with the extra performance. I will be using it mostly for digital download so the storage is going to be a big advantage. (One of the reasons of turning down the PS5 was the just lower storage capacity) I have a 4k tv and looking forward to the latest and the best graphics this gen console has to offer. While saying that I need the console to keep up with all the performance requirements. I considered getting the S just cause and dealing with..lower storage and not having the specs or performance while matched with a 4k tv. Plus there was stock. (Had to pre-order the x as non available here till Feb 21st) As everyone else is saying.. if you want the lastest in performance which will last longer than the S. If you have a 4k or are looking at upgrading to a 4k capable tv and could do with that extra storage... Then the X is the way to go. As you have the external storage and want to save money.. again not worried about what tv your running it on and just want the lastest console then the S will work just fine. All goes down to what you have now, plan for the future and if you can afford.


L3thalPredator OP t1_j4in4w7 wrote

this is my monitor I'm using rnand absolutely love it, but my xbox one s can't really match up to the monitors potential is another reason I'm wanting to upgrade. Also all my games are starting to lag really bad because of all the graphical upgrades these games are getting because of series x and. On xbox you can't change your graphics settings on most games so. Most likely gonna go with X cause of the storage and disk compartment, I mostly do play digital but I do have a few disk games.


Bogmat t1_j4iypky wrote

Nice one. Would like that monitor for my pc haha. Well enjoy your decision either way.


L3thalPredator OP t1_j4ji9nv wrote

Well that's the most similar one I could find, it's same brand, same size but different model. Mine it has same resolution too but 200hz and thanks, it is very nice, got it for 2021 Christmas


HDDigitalis t1_j4rgxgz wrote

If you don't have a 4K TV, then get a series. S but the series s can upscale to 4K


HDDigitalis t1_j4rhaci wrote

the series x has a little bit more RAM 16 which some games would be better to have while the series s has 10 gigs


JayMacdon22 t1_j4du36u wrote

X is far better than the s ! No brained really. Bit of daft question…


L3thalPredator OP t1_j4dzwr6 wrote

Was just seeing others opinions on the s cause havnt seen many. I know how the x is cause I've played my older brothers. But will probably be getting a new job in next few weeks to start saving towards it.