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1northfield t1_j4kcksh wrote

There is no bad choice, both consoles have almost the same library of games, both deliver a great experience and both are reliable enough to provide you with new games for the next 5-7 years. PlayStations advantages are that it has some amazing mostly single player gaming experiences, games like the last of us and Spider-Man spring to mind and it”s controller has some advanced features like haptic triggers and a speaker that can enhance your gaming experience, it will also have a VR headset release in the next month or so if you are interested in that further down the road. The Xbox advantages are a generally better and more open system with features like quick resume (let’s you pick up from a game exactly where you ended your session) and great support for older games, you can even play arcade games and older PlayStation, Nintendo and Sega games on it. Gamepass is the biggest reason to get an Xbox, this gives you a newly released game on average every 10 days with all Xbox produced games included, it’s a subscription service like Netflix but tends to work out to be the yearly cost of about 2-3 full priced games and is ridiculous value. Overall I play my Xbox much more than my PlayStation due to Gamepass, this service has enabled me to discover lots of great games that I would have had no interest in playing if I had to pay for them individually, the PlayStation gets used when a particular exclusive comes out that I’m interested in.