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ejc110 t1_j4lp52r wrote

I love it because it's portable, so i can play games in bed, take it to play in waiting rooms or take it on vacation etc


fakefaircatch t1_j4lp8py wrote

it's a gameboy. basically it's the best portable for it's price point. this gears it towards families better. plus the parental controls and the lack of a browser makes this ideal for parents and very young children that are just old enough to start gaming. this is also something nintendo has done well with throughout it's life. so like cigarettes, if you can hook them while they're young, chances are that itch will always stay will with them forever.


comicsnut616 t1_j4lrw6t wrote

Best couch coop console/ games you can buy.


Yyime t1_j4lqou4 wrote

I love the vibe and the portability. It just feels comfortable and homey to use. I have like 300 hours on tetris effect on it because for me there's nothing like switch Tetris.


nathanwyer t1_j4m3ox2 wrote

Great family console that can be used by everyone. My kids play it in the day, and I steal it at night.


No_need_for_that99 t1_j4mnfbk wrote

Good games, re-release of classics, big library, portable and can be turned into a normal console.
Lightweight, acceptable battery life.... just plain ol fun.

People could ask the same about the Big boy Consoles.

They underperform, have hard time keeping 60fps, power hungry, lots of heat... is not portable, games are expensive, less couch/livingroom coop.....

Great... now i'm wondering why i like consoles now. ha ha


Wii_Ghost t1_j4m6lub wrote

The sheer strength of the first party games / exclusives is enough explanation.


notpob t1_j4mae2d wrote

Portable and tv play. Popular for group games, family games and accessible / casual gaming. All of which combine to hit a decent cross section of the market.

Re: “do people really like Mario that much?” .. yes. More specifically, I guess like movie sequels, people go with what they know what they like. I used to say the same but realistically, despite having an Xbox, I generally only play the same handful of games - occasionally branching out into indie games. I’d never say I’ve been a hardcore gamer but as I spent less time gaming / became more time poor I tended to be happy playing a few familiar titles or games that i could dive jn and out of. Combined with the portability, I think Nintendo really brings that familiarly and convenience in the switch.

I don’t have one mind but I realised the above after I bought the series x


New_Firefighter9056 t1_j4nrfuv wrote

Not just Mario, for RPG fans it has a HUGE library of RPGs and indie titles


ForsPoppin t1_j4ongus wrote

Other reasons why it's soo popular because Nintendo exclusives will never be on PC or any other console, a lot of people love Zelda, Smash, Mario and Pokémon


Nerexor t1_j4ooit8 wrote

Got lots of games including some very popular exclusives, affordable, portable, multiple ways to play. My question is why isn't it more popular?


CyberKiller40 t1_j4p5s6j wrote

The huge popularity of Nintendo after the video game crash in the 80s in the USA is a big factor. For many people, who are now adults, this is a synonym with gaming. Plus kids are another group, they always love handhelds, because they have something of their own, not have to share a tv with anybody.


Drakullin t1_j4p93tg wrote

There are three things I considered when buying a Switch: portability, first party exclusives and the possibility to play with friends in a LAN party.

At the moment, neither Sony or Microsoft offer that. Maybe Microsoft with some exclusives like Halo or Gears, but these are not games which appeal everyone.

These will be my conditions with the next Nintendo's console, including the backwards compatibility.


JimAdams7 t1_j4plpws wrote

Cheaper then the ps5/xbox series x/s and portable as well as all the nintendo exclusives I think nintendo makes more exclusives on the switch each year then all the exclusives sony/xbox make in a console generation


S_balmore t1_j4q9xb0 wrote

Because it's geared towards kids. Kids have a lot of time to play video games. Kids also need to be entertained constantly, so the Switch's portability is icing on the cake. Kids also crave couch multiplayer, which the Switch offers a lot of. And kids also grow up. Nintendo has been focusing on kids for the past 35 years, so now a lot of those kids are adults who have their own kids, which has helped the Nintendo console become the perfect "family" gaming system.

The other systems have allowed Nintendo to take the kid/family market, while they've shifted their focus to more serious gamers. The "big 3" systems are all very popular, but Nintendo has captured a special segment of the market.


nothing2288 t1_j4ud3pf wrote

I love the idea of switch. Japans are good in innovations