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Drakullin t1_j4pjgqa wrote

I come with another proposal... How about the Series S? It contains lots of RPG and indie games included in the Gamepass and you have access to the new generation. More or less is the same price you want to pay.

If not, I would suggest going to the Switch route. You will have access to an extense library with a plus in the portability section. Moreover, it is the Nintendo's current gen, so I would not expect a new hardware at least until 2024.

It depends how important are PS exclusives for you. But as it is an old gen console.

PS: for your case, Series S > Switch OLED > PS4 Pro


PrimeFenix OP t1_j4px8ca wrote

Uhh that is a really nice response!! I actually didn't even consider Series S (why, I think the exclusives for PS4 and Switch have been more my alley), but it sounds intriguing!