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capncook84 t1_j5f37d4 wrote

How in the name of god did this happen? Regardless, it seems like only the plastic part of the stick is broken. You can buy replacements, then you just have to unscrew the back and pop it on


IxArchitects t1_j5fk16n wrote

Looks like he beats the fuck out of this controller tbh.


capncook84 t1_j5fmf1z wrote

Shit looks like it's been through a war which ended abruptly due to a thermonuclear bomb obliterating the battlefield


TokyoCheeseClub t1_j5jbc9l wrote

As others have said unscrew the back, place the joystick back on. I'd recommend getting a new one sent out but given the slight break on it you might be able to get away with using the same one. I'm guessing he is either chucked it at a wall or is a dog and it's his favourite chew toy. If you use the old joystick be warned that the internals will be more exposed and dirt more likely to collect inside.

With it not being an official nintendo Pro controller you probably won't need to get a tri screwdriver that you need for most Nintendo products. So won't be too hard to fix. You may need to talk with your brother though about not abusing his tech.