Submitted by threemoons_nyc t3_10lbjjg in consoles

Title says it all. Is it worth getting an Xbox also? If so, which model? I currently have a PS3, 4, and 5, and the PSVR (not the newest one--still on the fence about that one). Thanks! PS I screwed up the title..have been using PS since PS2 but I donated my old PS2 ages and ages ago when I got the 3 with backwards compatibility with the 2...



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BANDlCOOT t1_j5vudfv wrote

I guess it depends on your budget, savings, disposable income etc. If you have plenty of money, get a Series X.

Personally, I haven't found much usage for mine as spend most of my time on PS5 but I've had every Xbox console and played every exclusive up until now already anyway.

Halo, Gears of War, Forza have a bunch of great games in the series, amongst a bunch of other exclusives. If they don't really interest you then you may not find too much value in Xbox. Look at what games are on game pass also, some of them are full price on PS5 yet you could play them on Xbox for $2 a month.


threemoons_nyc OP t1_j5vuxpe wrote

Good points all, thanks, need to do more of a think...and please do keep the opinions coming. Very much still on the fence.


Dramatic_Season_6990 t1_j5w2wv0 wrote

Not worth it just yet unless you want to play very old Xbox exclusives, the only ones that came out in the one era are gears 6 and Recore, might me more but these are the only ones on my mind.

TLDR. Probably wait a year or so as Xbox start pumping good exclusives 'hopefully'


ZekerNietTijn t1_j5vtyvc wrote

Depends on it, best buy is series s and strongest is series x


GabrielSa_ t1_j5vyps6 wrote

Get the series s or the x it depends if you are willing to buy discs or download


Nathan-David-Haslett t1_j5wa6oz wrote

Really all you gotta do is look at the games.

Do you like sci Fi shooters? (Halo and Gears) Would you want to play flight sim on console? Do you love Bethesda games? (starfield)

I guess gamepass is also a big factor, and it is awesome. Having the option to just try out a bunch of games without buying them is suuuuper cool and useful.


angrystingray t1_j5wez64 wrote

If you got the cash to spare, Series X all day. If this is mostly going to just be a secondary console for Gamepass stuff, you can’t beat the value you get out of the S.

I went X.


sec713 t1_j5wsnui wrote

IMO it really boils down to if there are games on Xbox that you really want to play and can't get on PS. That and if you have the time to split between games on multiple systems. That last thing is why I choose to stay with XBox for the time being, at least. I have a PS3, but I almost never finished games on that console because so much of my time was being spent on my 360 or XB1.


Salt-Jaguar-1014 t1_j5xkz2k wrote

Gonna be honest series x is ass, they just don't have any games or any good exclusive. PS5, Switch and PC are the optimal setup, every xbox exclusive is pretty much on PC anyways.


Salt-Jaguar-1014 t1_j5xl1he wrote

I had gotten the series x and can count on one hand how many times it's been turned on.


GamerTMTDK t1_j5xo36i wrote

I've been with Playstation since ps1 to this day I don't have the budget to own the ps5, but still I own the ps5 and can't force myself to leave ps, guess I am kind of a fanboy.


ThorsEyeball t1_j5xskdq wrote

You don't have the budget for a ps5, but you own a ps5? Literally makes no sense.

You ok?


GamerTMTDK t1_j5xt2ng wrote

I know make's no sence, but I can't seem to let go of the ps5 eventhough I don't have the budget for it, to own it. And year, I'm fine, mentally now that's another topic.


Drakullin t1_j5xsr0x wrote

It's up to you, but I would recommend you to check the exclusives Xbox has before purchasing the Series X or S.

Speaking about me, I 'jump in' in the end of the One lifecycle and I don't regret picking the Series X over the PS5 (which I will pick in the future).


Communist___Doggo t1_j5xvljd wrote

I think personally, it’s really down to what benefits you’d get out of buying another console.

  1. Look at what friends play, if it’s an Xbox then consider an Xbox. (Also cool if you play solo)

  2. What more do you get from an Xbox. A few extra Microsoft exclusive games? Consider to yourself if you’d be willing to pay the money for an Xbox and only really gaining the ability to play those games. Everything else is practically the same.

  3. Finally, Consider alternative options. Think about a decent pc, or a switch to play Nintendo games. Consider weather or not an Xbox is truly what you want or if something else may interest you.

If all three points still have you interested in getting an Xbox then I’d say go for it.


Gaz_89 t1_j5xxbiu wrote

If there are games you want play that are only available on xbox get the series s or x. If there arent any, save your money.


wpgelectricboy t1_j5yu5w1 wrote

I've had a playstation since ps2, and I didn't get the ps5 because I couldn't find any. I just got my series x last week, and it's amazing. Gamepass is where it's at.


slimshady713 t1_j5z5ne9 wrote

I switched from PS4 to Series X and I enjoy it. Still have my PS2,3, and 4 and will probably get a 5 once they stop PS4 Support for exclusives


A_lone_Celebration t1_j605u1z wrote

I’ve been PS all my gaming life and love it BUT after buying a PS4 a MONTH before they dropped the PRO, I decided to get an Xbox to “break up the monotony” and to have a system that could handle a higher graphic output then my PS4. I got the Series X and don’t regret it but I’m a big fan of Fable, Alice, bejeweled and older titles offered by game pass.

The game pass is great for variety and I like the fact I can control my console and downloads from my phone but I don’t think it would stop me from getting a PS5 Pro when it drops.

If you like those types of games, go for it but otherwise, you might feel like it’s a waste of money.


threemoons_nyc OP t1_j60bmfq wrote

Thanks. I was really looking at one potentially for Redfall and a few other exclusive X-box console drops (that is, only available on PC or XBox), but otherwise, I've been pretty happy with what I could do between my PS farm and my PC. I really want to play Redfall on a console but probably not worth investing in another system just for one game. OTOH if Elder Scrolls 6 is XBox only, I'll be first in line to get one.


Scared_Standard4052 t1_j5w4wni wrote

Don't have a computer so bought a series X so I could play future Bethesda games.


Anubra_Khan t1_j5w5eza wrote

I recommend an Xbox One for $50. It plays all but 3 of the same games as Series S or X. Then save up for a PC so you can play the good games that will be PC/Xbox exclusive when they drop later this year.


threemoons_nyc OP t1_j5w5sic wrote

Oh, I already have a gaming rig....thank you!


Anubra_Khan t1_j5w5uwl wrote

Then what do you need an Xbox for?


threemoons_nyc OP t1_j5w6fxf wrote

Not sure, was just contemplating getting one, hence my question....


Anubra_Khan t1_j5w6sx5 wrote

What is making you consider it though? I mean, what is there to "cave" to?

I've not touched my Xbox since getting a PC with GamePass and I don't know of any reason to.


creepyviolation80 t1_j5wiyhz wrote

As for which model to get, the Xbox Series X and Series S are the current models available. The Series X is the more powerful of the two, with better graphics and faster loading times. It also has a built-in 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray player, which is great for those who want to watch movies and TV shows in 4K.


LucidFur52 t1_j5wovup wrote

i have had playstation all my life, and recently bought a series s cause my friends all had xbox and i’ve really enjoyed the xbox, with game pass and everything i haven’t payed for very many games, the only downside to the series s i have is the 512 gb storage which isn’t nearly enough but other than that i’ve haven’t regretted getting an xbox at all


Tail_sb t1_j5zc9u6 wrote

No just get a pc


threemoons_nyc OP t1_j5zcwwa wrote

I already have one, but wanted to take the pulse re whether I should get....