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celcius_451 t1_j6cqpge wrote

I do understand the point when people say "consider a PC, Sony will release it's exclusives eventually" but their ports lately requires absurdly expensive systems to get same or more performance than PS5. And when those exclusives "eventually" comes to PC, your godly gaming computer today will be mid or low tier by that time. That's why getting a PS5 if you're interested in their exclusives seems like the cheapest and best way to experience them in my opinion.

That being said, Xbox is really at a turning point right now. I expect many surprises from them besides the games they already announced. You might want to keep your XSX in the long run. TL;DR get ps5 but keep your Xbox if possible.


Mayo420blazeit OP t1_j6ct6ww wrote

Yeah, that would be the best option. And I have PC but I just enjoy the experience more on 4k TV and couch..