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TheBloatingofIsaac t1_j6ch1kn wrote

Do you need to sell the xbox due to financial reasons? If not, I would keep both to be honest. It isnt worth it to lose a library of 60 games


MasterChrom t1_j6cjbhu wrote

At this point you're basically invested in the Xbox ecosystem, so I'd keep both if you don't wanna lose those 60 games. As someone who owns a PS5 and is a huge PS fan, I'd hold off on buying a PS5 because there just aren't enough exclusives at the moment to justify paying $500 and you can play most of those exclusives on the PS4 anyway. However, if you've never owned a PS4, then it might be worth it.


Humanno789 t1_j6cjel5 wrote

Only you can answer that. Depends which system has the most games you want to play, the best services for you, the better feeling controller and the best OS to use.

Personally my PS5 was a waste of money as there are no games on it I want, the analogue sticks are in a bad configuration, and the OS is rubbish, but you may like all those things

So yeah, it's up to you


FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j6ckw90 wrote

I mean, to be fair, they don't lose the games. If they were to ever switch back they could re-download their old games, except for maybe the saves in some. My guess is they aren't really playing many of them anyway if they wanna switch.

My personal recommendation is the same, though. If you can afford to keep both, that's the better option.


Anubra_Khan t1_j6clprw wrote

Just buy a PS5 disc version so you have both.


FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j6cn7ml wrote

Well, which games are interesting you a lot then?

Something to consider might be switching to a gaming PC. Many of Sony's Playstation exclusives have been making their way to PC such as God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Spider-Man (plus Miles Morales), with plans for more ports in the future as well.

Not only that, but you'd also open yourself up to any PC games that aren't on either console. There's also a lot of games that if you own them on Xbox you can play it on PC as well:

Most PC games that are also on console have controller support natively too, so you're golden with that familiarity, and you'd already have an Xbox controller that's compatible by Bluetooth.

If you needed help building a budget PC I could recommend a few parts.


celcius_451 t1_j6cqpge wrote

I do understand the point when people say "consider a PC, Sony will release it's exclusives eventually" but their ports lately requires absurdly expensive systems to get same or more performance than PS5. And when those exclusives "eventually" comes to PC, your godly gaming computer today will be mid or low tier by that time. That's why getting a PS5 if you're interested in their exclusives seems like the cheapest and best way to experience them in my opinion.

That being said, Xbox is really at a turning point right now. I expect many surprises from them besides the games they already announced. You might want to keep your XSX in the long run. TL;DR get ps5 but keep your Xbox if possible.


PopRepresentative968 t1_j6cw8ly wrote

It’s worth it man. I literally just did the same thing a few weeks not even joking. I’ve had an Xbox since I was like 8 and can’t believe that I have a ps now, but worth it all the way


1northfield t1_j6cwj6e wrote

To be honest, you could get a PS4 and have almost all the PlayStation exclusives, there are not that many limited to the PS5. Alternatively you could get a Series S and then a PS5 digital and have the best of both worlds


Mayo420blazeit OP t1_j6cx712 wrote

I want to play GOW, Last of us, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider man and a few more. I have a PC, but I don’t use it very often since I enjoy more playing on a TV from a couch. Also I’m mostly sitting in a office chair in work so PC gives me kinda bad vibes.


Drakullin t1_j6d1qhp wrote

Even though I asked myself the same question some months ago, right now I don't consider it worth. In any case, I would consider pick a PS5 or even a PS4 to play those exclusives you would like to play.

Then, you decide if it is worth for you to stock with both consoles or sell one of them.

If you asked myself, I would stick with Xbox until Starfield, Redfall and Forza come this year. If these games do not appeal to you, then I would consider the switch.


Khwarezm89 t1_j6d71va wrote

If you don’t have to sell the Xbox for financial reasons, get a PS5 just for exclusives

I’ve my PS5 and switch for exclusives and most 3rd party games on Xbox


burnyc1987 t1_j6dmhor wrote

I have a playstation 5 an it is amazing you would love it. Iv just done kind of what ur talking about iv always been playstation an iv just got a xbox series s so I could play certain games like high on life


FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j6dpijl wrote

Yeah, all of those are available on PC! Last of Us Part 1 is releasing on Steam in March this year, however.

I can totally get that, I work from home too and having a play space be your work space is weird. Is it a laptop perchance? Could always hook it up the the TV.

Whatever kind of solution, whether a game streaming app linked to your PC, long wire, etc., there's Steam's "Big Picture Mode", which is great. More console-like experience that you can switch on as the default way Steam launches when Windows starts. Can control it by controller easily.

As for ways to control the PC comfortably from the couch, I personally have a media PC in my living room that I built a few months back and I love it. Just have this thing in particular: (Amazon link) - My partner was slightly against me building a PC for the living room at first, but now she uses it more than her own PC because of the ease of use from the couch. lol

Not trying to harp on it too hard here, just saying that this solution could be the best of both worlds in some ways.


Captobvious75 t1_j6dqyhb wrote

You can get the digital ps5 for cheaper. I would keep both and then sell whichever you tend to not use.


ZappierGamez t1_j6dtv07 wrote

Me personally I wouldn't sell it unless you need to. You could just get the PlayStation and keep the Xbox or if you sell it you can just keep your account and I guess if you get an Xbox again it'll still be there.


iamnotgeneric t1_j6dx965 wrote

Have both. It is better to have more options. There is no rule to say limit yourself to one console.

Ps 4 was very good. I just could not put up with the fan noise. I still have my ps4 account. With my digital purchase just sitting in limbo.

If you get a ps5, you will be covered for the years to come. Remember, Sony is still making the PS4.

A lot of people will say some things are not worth it, but then you need to look at retro games. Folks are still playing the master system and the Nes to this day. Consoles do not truly age. People are still playing the Atari 2600, Amiga, lol.

Go for it. Enjoy having fun.


ZekerNietTijn t1_j6ed45l wrote

Its not worth it, believe me dont do it just for the exclusives. But if you do it, Keep your xbox series x .


thatmadboi t1_j6ei2gu wrote

Depends. If you want to play games with better graphics then stick to xsx but if you want more (and better) games then get a ps5


Medusas_Kiss t1_j6eqq9k wrote

I felt the same and after months of almost doing it and thinking it through constantly I ended up getting a ps4 cheap as a spare console only to be used for that reason.

There was no justification from my end to get a ps5 just so things look pretty and load quicker. Game play is all the same


TickleMeFlynn t1_j6erg6n wrote

Take your desktop and dump it next to your T.V; Connect the HD cable from the TV to the graphics card; Plug your Xbox controller into the USB port; Sign into your XBOX account on your desktop; Go buy the PS exclusives you wanted, and have some fun (with a couple of beers - if age permits).


originsspeedrunner t1_j6ezrum wrote

You should keep the xbox. There will be some good exclusives in a few years


Dramatic_Season_6990 t1_j6fafbq wrote

You won't know unless you try, play ps5 and sell Xbox, you like it? Good keep it then, you don't? Sell it and rebuy xbox since your account is forever there 👍


MrJizac t1_j6faiq8 wrote

Yes, a million times over.


UsableIdiot t1_j6fay14 wrote

PS5 exclusives are absolutely worth it but I'd say keep the Xbox and save up just a little bit longer to get a PS5.


Historical_Radish_25 t1_j6fuua1 wrote

I chose to have both this generation and I have loved it. If I were you, I’d save up and purchase a PS5 when you are able to. Definitely not worth selling a Xbox for. In my experience, I’ve regretted it every time I’ve sold a console.


TheOkamiKami t1_j6gg1bu wrote

I’d keep the Xbox, recently did the same and have been enjoying my PS but there hopefully will be a day when Xbox games are worth having.


terrestrialty t1_j6hd3x4 wrote

Do you have a friend who you could trade with to play the exclusives? As a PS player my whole life I did really wanna get on sunset overdrive with the XBOX ONE


Mayo420blazeit OP t1_j6hh6ql wrote

Yeah, really nice suggestions here. Thank you. I will stick with my Xbox till I don’t find a really steal deal. I think I wouldn’t mind the games I have on Xbox account. I would just buy the Witcher and the PS exclusives. Till then I’m keeping the X.


eikast t1_j6iou62 wrote

IMO do not sell the Xbox. Just save money to buy a PS5 and have both consoles.