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riffito t1_is58q34 wrote

Minor comments regarding the name (as I can't really comment on the rest :-D)

> ~Q

I read that as: "more-or-less Q"/"almost Q"/"approximately Q", but that might be due to my math classes from 25 years ago.

~ is not particularly handy to type on non-US keyboards (using ALT+126 here on Windows, or: AltGr+4, then spacebar... and this is on a keyboard with "Ñ"). It might hinder a bit the ability to search for ~Q.

"unQ" is less ambiguous, at least for me (and my poorly self-taught "English" :-D).


sela_mad OP t1_isb6otr wrote

Thank you both. Following your feedback, and after additional discussions with many people, I've decided to drop the "~Q" abbreviation, and just go with "Unquery".

The documentation, and any future reference to the language, would reflect this change.