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Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j7fdse1 wrote

When you try to sleep while facing a wall


Ravernel t1_j7gjhjk wrote

Wow, this just reminded me of my weird nightmares when I was a kid. I was so scared to sleep while facing the wall because whenever I did that there was this huge scary looking owl head in my dreams, that kept screaming and insulting me with its deep voice. Still have no idea why did that happen or where it came from. At some point it just disappeared and I never saw it again.


N0rthWind t1_j7imqg2 wrote

Apparently, a giant owl is a common enough nightmare that there's a greater demon that's pretty much exactly that (Stolas)


Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j7h0zsg wrote

I have an irrational fear of barn owls so I can’t imagine how scary that was.


INDIG0M0NKEY t1_j7ispgw wrote

At an early age probably third grade I would fall asleep facing the wall because if whatever it was would make it to my room I’m dead anyways and I don’t want to see it.

This fear went away and I developed a fear of the darkness outside windows at my moms in the country. Would literally run past windows. Now I keep all my blinds down pretty much all the time. As a 33 year old


admiralbreastmilk t1_j7m7ff9 wrote

Just at night though, right? You still let sunlight in?


INDIG0M0NKEY t1_j7migto wrote

A few windows will get opened up but I don’t like people seeing into my house where I’m just sitting on the couch it feels odd


MELLMAO t1_j7hhoh5 wrote

I sleep facing the wall precisely bcs of this. If I see it, it's not like I can do anything, so better to be blissfully unaware and pretend you don't see/hear/sense anything


YANFRET t1_j7irddz wrote

I cant sleep facing a wall. I need to sleep facing the door or the way out of a room. I wonder why i need to do that…


AFatz t1_j7j0x22 wrote

The military made me extremely paranoid about intruders. If I'm in a room, I HAVE to face the closest entrance, or at least have it in my eyeline.