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Nox_Lucis t1_j7qu6ny wrote

Looks like a serviceable enemy concept for a Souls-like title.


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7qvp4j wrote

I imagine some sort of tribal off-shoot of the Aldrich Faithful from Dark Souls 3 if that were the case.


LUN4T1C-NL t1_j7razh7 wrote

I don't know if the toothed vaginas would make the cut though.


FlaccidRazor t1_j7udwn3 wrote

Oh come on, there's nothing like a nice toothy vagina.


rephlexi0n t1_j7u0lyu wrote

It’s base form would have the head like normal (though still ugly and scary), then it transforms to look like this


ThrobbinGoblin t1_j7qz6i6 wrote

Carve me up, slice me apart
Suck my guts and lick my heart
Chop me up, I like to be hurt
Drink my marrow and blood for dessert!
EATEN... My one desire, my only wish is to be- EATEN!


OvinceStPierre t1_j7s3wdx wrote

I posted these lyrics as well and then scrolled down to see them lol. Song is both humorous and heavy as all hell.


Cantbenoyuppy t1_j7qv1h5 wrote

Cultists? Or some necromorphin?


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7qvwzu wrote

Cultists! They look the way they look because for every living being they consume, their mouth and jaw dislocates and extends just a little bit more, to make their next meal more easy to get down their gullet.


thedrexel t1_j7qu8tr wrote

This reminds me of Dai Dark! Very nice!


Automatic_Animal t1_j7rbhye wrote

When you claim your vore fetish is a religion


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7teft7 wrote

Aksually, for your information, there is a lot more chewing involved than outright swallowing. Vore fetish deconfirmed.


KarinDp t1_j7qx7y3 wrote

Dai Dark vibe


Deathwatch050 t1_j7rlv4z wrote

The designs and quote remind me a bit of the monster in an old youtube horror short film called "Polydeus". Worth a watch if you like this kind of body horror.

"Yours is food. Ours is to eat."


Forixiom t1_j7qtv5c wrote

Witch of Gluttony moment.


Toasty_Rolls t1_j7r9o8n wrote

Saving this to use as inspiration for monsters to throw at my dnd players lol. Love this


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7ra6sh wrote

I'm happy to hear that you like it that much! I do enjoy the concept of DnD, so it's cool to provide inspiration for a campaign.


wert1234576 t1_j7s097q wrote

Oh yeah that's going in a table top game


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7tfr61 wrote

Would be sick to see them as miniatures for a table top.


Distinct-Style8015 t1_j7semh3 wrote

I wish they’d make this a movie or something such a cool/horrifying concept


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7tffvw wrote

I can imagine a sort of slasher flick with these guys. A group of teenagers heading off to do teenager things in a cabin cut off from the world, only to have some of them disappear and suddenly these strangers appear, wearing their bodies like costumes and salivating to eat the rest inside-out.

Would really like to see the costume design for something like that.


mashapotatoe1 t1_j7ti8uw wrote

it’s not a slasher flick, but if you haven’t seen it, your quote choice directly reminds me of the movie bones & all


Dug_Fin1 t1_j7tkang wrote

Whelp, time to start a new Rimworld game......


gojiras_therapist t1_j7r6grr wrote

Makes sense to be involved in the circle of life is an honor, many others do no exist.


hajduken t1_j7rh7sp wrote

Warhammer 40k Nurgle vibes.


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7rhduh wrote

Praise the Grandfather Nurgle, the best of the chaos gods.


zeldanar t1_j7s3z4s wrote

Nice. you could make a whole story on that


LMNTLXICON t1_j7s8mv8 wrote

I'm gonna hurl. This is so unsettling. Every one of my hairs is on end just looking at these two/four.


stale_bread56 t1_j7sezfp wrote

this gives an entire different meaning for "you are what you eat"


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7tengb wrote

In that case, they are many things. Thousands of animals, whole villages of people, exotic fruits, grass, and more villages of innocent people.


HaitaShepard t1_j7t5wbz wrote

The art is wonderfully disturbing, and damn, that quote. Idk maybe it's bc I've been listening to Lovecraft podcasts all day but it inspires some serious revulsion. Kudos!


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7teqby wrote

Thanks! I do enjoy putting some sort of foreboding quote to match the drawing when I'm finished with it, adds some character to it I'd say.


ryraps5892 t1_j7t5xb1 wrote

Evil chest vaginas (goddammit, I can never have an original thought…)


Falstaffe t1_j7t6urq wrote

“Infidels go in here thx”


GeneticDeity OP t1_j7texss wrote

No one is an infidel if they are very delicious. But I suppose, at the very least, that those who fast or deny over-consumption would be considered a infidel to them.


thekingofmagic t1_j7tgbc6 wrote

r/themagnusarchives has entered the chat


Trick_Insect4558 t1_jac7a7t wrote

It's always good to have a positive attitude 👍👍👍


Original-River6739 t1_j7rg6qm wrote

Primero, muy buenas Arquitecto este es un crepipasta de matemática

Aquí va una historia de matemáticas un poco escalofriante: Había una vez un estudiante de matemáticas llamado Jack, que siempre había sido un excelente estudiante y amaba resolver problemas matemáticos. Un día, Jack descubrió un libro antiguo de matemáticas en una biblioteca y decidió llevárselo a casa para estudiarlo. Al hojear el libro, Jack se encontró con una fórmula misteriosa escrita en una página en blanco. Decidió intentar resolver la fórmula y se dio cuenta de que, a pesar de su habilidad en matemáticas, no podía entenderla. Sin embargo, algo extraño empezó a suceder. Cada noche, Jack soñaba con la fórmula y comenzaba a tener visiones de números y símbolos matemáticos por todas partes. A medida que pasaban los días, Jack se volvía cada vez más obsesionado con la fórmula y empezó a sentir que alguien o algo lo estaba llamando. Una noche, mientras trabajaba en la fórmula, sintió una presencia detrás de él y se dio cuenta de que la fórmula estaba escrita en la pared detrás de él con un lápiz que no recordaba haber tocado. A partir de ese momento, Jack comenzó a ver la fórmula en todas partes, incluso en su comida y en su espejo. Finalmente, Jack se dio cuenta de que la fórmula era en realidad una invocación a un ser oscuro del otro lado del universo y que había sido atraído a él. Desesperado, Jack rompió el libro y quemó la fórmula, pero nunca volvió a ser el mismo. Desde entonces, dicen que su alma está atrapada en el universo matemático para siempre;

Este es un crepipasta de mis especatticas sobre la área de Matemática, que sea un misterio a resolver, donde las clases no sean aburridas, Bueno eso sería Arquitecto, gracias
