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UnknwnSoldier t1_j93n6mf wrote

Reply to comment by scorpion_tail in Nuclear shadow, Nagasaki by allez05

Unfortunately the reality is worse. Human vaporization isn't really a thing. You can get blown apart by the shockwave, but even with the gamma radiation causing thermal waves of 10,000 F it still won't instantly incinerate a human. They just get flash cooked.

The shadows are caused by the person absorbing the intense light and thermal radiation emitted by the blast, which peels material off the building surface.

If they were close enough to the blast to be instantly killed by force or heat, it would most likely have been a strong enough force to also knock down the wooden building the shadow was etched into, or set it alight so it burned down.

It's unlikely many people caught like this lived long, but sadly it's not a given that they all died instantly or painlessly.


zerothepyro t1_j93rwyc wrote

It's fucked up to think that this poor person likely in an instant was covered in severe burns and they had no idea why. They probably could not comprehend anything beyond sudden pain.


mseuro t1_j9434c5 wrote

Not if the nerves were gone


Danstheman3 t1_j949e0x wrote

This person wasn't instantly vaporized, but surely some people were close enough to the blast, to be.

I thought that's what the other commentor was referring to.

Obviously, most people suffered a much worse fate, I think we all understand and agree on that. But surely some people were close enough that they died pretty much instantly.


TinKicker t1_j96nrem wrote

I’ve walked through areas scorched by wildfires that were hot enough to fuse sand into tiny glass beads…there were “shadows” of cattle and kangaroos on the ground. It’s essentially a grease spot.


alienmojo t1_j94mtra wrote

Holy crap... you're right. The ones that got vaporized did not leave a shadow. This just got 10 times worse for me now. Thanks. :( This has been my biggest fear since 1982 and War Games came out. I never expected to make it to 20. And now it's all happening again. Except this time I'm pushing 60. I don't want to die this way. I live near Eau Claire, WI and no, we won't get nuked, but the Twin Cities sure will and so my death will be long and painful. We are 90 miles eastward of them and so it will take about a day for the radiation to hit and 3-7 days to kill us. Luckily I have my diabetes insulin and when the first bomb hits I will be taking an overdose and just go to sleep.
