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Babybartimusbloo t1_jchodwd wrote

This is super cool! Kinda looks a little like Jean-Luc Picard


Fucklespew t1_jci4mhl wrote

Looks like someone about to start purging the n’wah.


mechapoitier t1_jcibi37 wrote

“The first duty of every Star Fleet officer is to the truth - scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth. It is a guiding principle on which Star Fleet is based. And if you can’t find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth, you don’t deserve to wear that uniform.”


Brusion t1_jcijk8t wrote

That's a funny looking Capt Solo frozen in carbonite.


ConjureGount t1_jcjspdo wrote

great job! what material has been used there?


1dayumae t1_jck52xn wrote

The face of someone who dealt a fart they can't put up with


BrockChocolate t1_jck9mib wrote

This is great!

It would be hilarious if you went spelunking and put this in a far flung area of a cave with a journal with nonsense writing in it. It'd really scare some future cavers or historians


Fire-God_ t1_jcka524 wrote

As a War of the Worlds fan my first thought was “Martian” due to the tentacles 😂 but still very cool art better than anything I could make


stevenw84 t1_jckhzpx wrote

Weird. That doesn’t look like my wife.

I’ll see myself out.


AnEgoJabroni t1_jcl4dku wrote

Well done! If I were just strutting about with money to blow, and I saw this piece for sale, I would immediately take it home with me.