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robb215 t1_jdgn4h1 wrote

Reply to comment by MJsLoveSlave in unwelcomed guest by me by shov3lh3ad

Yo I read your other posts when we were interacting on another post and saw you had made some posts about having an unfulfilling dating life. I tried messaging you this so it wouldn’t be public, but I couldn’t get through. I just wanted to let you know that you’re gorgeous! Idk where you live that men don’t approach you but that’s mind blowing to me. I’m pretty sure 90% of my friends would ask you out or at the very least try and hit on you at a bar. Truly wishing you the best this year, and can’t imagine where you hang out at that you’re not constantly approached. Most of my single friends would love to meet you, along with about 2-3 of my less faithful friends who would also love to meet you. Just wanted to try to give you a little confidence boost like I genuinely don’t understand how you’re not constantly hit on, you gotta live in Alaska or something cause otherwise it makes no sense. Sorry to make this public, I just read your shit last night and couldn’t believe it and felt bad. Maybe you should travel or something cause dating won’t be an issue for someone who looks like you. Sincerely sending all my best wishes and positive energy this year❤️❤️❤️