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superiorplaps t1_isxv1k2 wrote

Wendigo kinda looks cute, like a Pokemon


MissingAI t1_isy3kv5 wrote

That wendussy be howling my name


Crondisimo OP t1_isy5ysn wrote

Da fuq?!


anticerber t1_it1iwjq wrote

Yea ngl that wendigo looks kinda sexy. Like she’s saying “impale me that that knife daddy”


CiphirSol t1_isyq0fq wrote

“Winds howling… Place of Wendussy, gotta be.” - Geralt the Famous Wendussy Hunter


ValyrianJedi t1_isyh32c wrote

If you covered up the head I could believe it was my coworkers wife


WingedLady t1_it194dh wrote

I was thinking it looked like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. But like, emaciated and bipedal.

As a side note, I genuinely enjoy how well this was inked. The line weights are very energetic and crisp. Very satisfying to look at.