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henney22 t1_itw53nv wrote

Damm can't argue that logic


Jayccob t1_itwdelf wrote

What if the heaven mimic can cast counterspell at will though? It could then return the favor to the wizard, potential causing the infamous counterspell feedback loop.

Would that count as a victory as long as there is always some person there to cast counterspell? I feel that would create a new religion where people become priests and make pilgrimages to this place to take up the holy duty of casting counterspell at the sky for like a week then rotate out.


TequilaWhiskey t1_itwypqc wrote

And then of course the counter cult claiming the old relegion is a false god and oh no were back in 40k


Phadryn t1_ity8d7g wrote

The mimic uses a legendary action to counterspell the wizards counterspell