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Phaze357 t1_ity896e wrote

Last game I played, our DM had been working us up to this big battle with some ice giant thing. He would 3D print stuff to make it more immersive and paint the models. He'd printed this thing in multiple sections at 5% infill. It was between 1 and 2 feet tall. Painted it, looked pretty badass. One of us banished it before he could even have it attack us. He just sat there for a moment trying to figure out if he wanted to be mad or laugh at the fact that he'd spent weeks printing this thing only for it to get wiped out before even attacking us. To insult to injury he'd left it in his trunk after that and his girlfriend went to toss a backpack or something in there. He just heard a loud crunch. 5% infill is pretty weak. It was a goner.

I still laugh when I think about the situation. The "you've got to be fucking kidding me" look on his face was priceless.


buttbugle t1_itznp4b wrote

Doing that is a tad bit of a jerk way of playing. Yes a player can just banish the creature and end the fight right at the very beginning. Bravo. At least let the person that went through all the trouble of setting up the story get through their opening. They are playing too.