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Mandee87 t1_iu7j6n8 wrote

Oh man, I LOVE this. It brings me back to university when I was studying opera and we were studying German lieder in music history, this was one of my favourite Schubert pieces! That final line of the poem of “In seinen Armen das Kind war tot” was SO well set.


LHandrel t1_iu95xzl wrote

It was one of my favorite pieces in my gen-ed music history class, as well. There are plenty of versions but I'm very fond of the one we were shown, and have it in my regular music library.

Link for anyone who wants to listen, same performance but with animation for anyone easily bored or wanting a visualization.


quest_for_blank t1_iu9mpsj wrote

If you want to get your mind blown check out Hilary Hahn playing this piece for solo violin.

It’s an inhuman level of polyphony for a violin