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I_might_be_weasel t1_ixzr6se wrote

He floofy. I must boop.


MoonWizard2 t1_iy0impz wrote

He's just trying to warn about THE BRIDGE!


[deleted] t1_iy034ib wrote



Hellboundroar t1_iy0p1n4 wrote

Is FO76 actually good now? Or is it still the bug-ridden mess it was on release?


FlavoredCancer t1_iy0r813 wrote

It's still a Bethesda game so bugs are always going to be there, buts much better than it was at release. Something a "No Man's Sky turn around" if you will. I am bias as I love all fallout games a lot.


[deleted] t1_iy0rjcq wrote



Hellboundroar t1_iy0wem5 wrote

Man, i love Vegas, and love that even with the limited time they had, Obsidian did a much better job than Bethesda IMO


MarcusofMenace t1_iy16lip wrote

It's improved but it has no where near done a no man's sky. I'm not sure any game has improved as much as no man's sky


FlavoredCancer t1_iy17tg2 wrote

Like I said I'm bias. NMS is amazing especially on the PS5 in VR but it's not my cup of tea.


[deleted] t1_iy1693f wrote

I just started a couple days ago and it’s been pretty fun so far. Feels like a normal fallout game for the most part and you can play with your homies


berzurkur13 t1_ixztoaa wrote

Be sure to put out Pepperoni rolls and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew for the Mothman tonight.


oddity-on-holiday t1_iy0ndc8 wrote

Love this take on the Mothman, that it kind of combines a touch of the classic Mothman statue in Point Pleasant (with the hands and all) and a vintage horror comic vibe - lovely work! :)


ZSpectre t1_iy07lgu wrote

Looks like it could be a concept for another vigilante superhero based on another arthropod!

Edit: now that I think about it, the satirical Tick had a moth guy as a sidekick, so basically a cool version of that, haha


xEpykxZenGarden t1_iy1cbdj wrote

This reminds me of the rat creatures from the Bone graphic novel.


DarthRoacho t1_iy08apy wrote

Bought a tri color print. Holy shit was it quality. Go buy this man's work.


MarsAlgea3791 t1_iy0qrc9 wrote

Something in-between Gary Giani and Bernie Wrightson.

Now you gotta draw Hellboy being stabbed by those claws and letting out a "son of a-!"


LemonLord7 t1_iy09xc0 wrote

Very very very cool, but I would change the eye-shape a bit if you don’t want me to think of spider-man


rackrick t1_iy10eh4 wrote

The negative space is unreal. Mustve taken ages. Top work


[deleted] t1_iy139kp wrote

That's such a cool artstyle man. It's close to mine. Few artists do black and white nowadays, and even less do is as good as you do. I would love to have your instagram if you have one


langleyeffect OP t1_iy1euyk wrote

Thanks! I'm not too active on Insta these days, but my other social links are in my profile.


gomurifle t1_iy16ypv wrote

Reminds me of the Bleach anime.


SumRumHam t1_iy1aspe wrote

What kind of pen and nib did you use? The line work and blacks are solid and crisp.


langleyeffect OP t1_iy1erfs wrote

Thanks! Combination of Pentel pocket brush pens and Microns.


SteveNJulia t1_iy1elof wrote

Noone gives a shit about your lamp addiction Mothman!


faggnout t1_iy1ga2l wrote

I've seen some of your work on here. You're incredible 👍🏽


NextGenBlue t1_iy1id4v wrote

Looks like something out of berserk


SaltyJediKnight t1_iy1mai0 wrote

This is seriously so dope. How long does something like this take to make?


langleyeffect OP t1_iy3s0sj wrote

Thank you! This is probably a good couple days' work.


Ruas_Onid t1_iy1o1ss wrote

This is really nice.. like if he could get a full comic that’d be great!


Grantmosh t1_iy1om67 wrote

Mothman? This thing lives in my yard and no one believes me


relytttocs t1_iy1q0i1 wrote

i commented on your flatwoods monster post about my car breaking down there! i got it fixed and drove to my parents later that same week which took me right by point pleasant. 🤪 your art is incredible and so cool!


jkustin t1_iy1q5dj wrote

He kinda looks like a superhero in that pose which would be kinda fun to add to the Mothman idea


FogDarts t1_iy1qr0f wrote

This style seems inspired by Jeff Davis’ epic Bone work. Strong Rat Creature energy!

Well done!


TopNFalvors t1_iy1rapa wrote

Wow, that’s amazing! I’ve always been interested in the mothman legend and this is a great representation.


PeterGivenbless t1_iy1s5ma wrote

Great picture, but it fails to address my burning question: does a Mothman have mothballs?


___Ed___ t1_iy1witp wrote

This is fantastic, love the mythos of the Mothman, and you hit it on the head. Great stuff.


dorsman84 t1_iy1wu7c wrote

This is so good and makes me want a whole comic about mothman.


Ralman23 t1_iy2bdgh wrote

I wouldn’t be surprised if you become a comic artist or a manga artist and put a similar design in an epic panel and your fans get shocked at the artwork because my God, this is good.


Coconut_life92 t1_iy2bpqg wrote

Made me think of buzzfeed. Nice.


ilovebrawndo t1_iy2lrxj wrote

Hey man, you're really talented! Very big Bernie Wrightson feels on this piece. Kudos for sharing this. It's very good work!


Digr0712 t1_iy2nshf wrote

Berserk vibes


chnairb t1_iy2pjj1 wrote

This is so sick I had to order a couple from your site! I knew there was a reason why I wore my Bigfoot shirt to work today.


WoubbleQubbleNapp t1_iy2w87y wrote

This is great and I’m not trying to bog on your drawing because it is awesome, but I legitimately thought his right knee was a gigantic testicle


nagibubby t1_iy31bzb wrote

i cannot begin to tell you how amazing this is wow if i had the skills to draw like you i would never put down my pen, amazing job OP


Vexen86 t1_iy32fku wrote

All I saw was..... Fluffy~~~Fuuuuurrrryyyy!!!


Samniss_Arandeen t1_iy34r20 wrote

And if you discard him, you can draw one and discard one.


mrRwild t1_iy34wls wrote

Have you played fallout 76? r/fo76


jelz617 t1_iy34ydk wrote

I could see myself fighting this in a monster hunter game


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_iy39bls wrote

This art is gorgeous, it must have taken hours.

What I'm curious about, though, is that why is The Mothman usually shown with very un-mothlike wings? Most of the interpretations usually show it having bat-like or dragon-like wings


langleyeffect OP t1_iy3r3wk wrote

Thank you! And that's the same reason a lot of things in art are somewhat impractical: because it looks cool.


Cine81 t1_iy3a6zu wrote

Nightmare fuel


mcgodric t1_iy3bk8y wrote

I wonder if The Mothman ever dreams about...

The lamp.


Khaoz_Se7en t1_iy4hsxp wrote

As opposed to pen without ink


langleyeffect OP t1_iy4lvrd wrote

Listen, you...if I type "with pens" I get 10% of commenters saying they read it as "with penis". If I type "pen & ink", I maybe get one dude commenting something almost exactly like this. So....nyah.


Khaoz_Se7en t1_iy4or4e wrote

Ngl I read “with pens” as “with penis” so.. valid

That would’ve been pretty impressive if you had tho


langleyeffect OP t1_iy4oy41 wrote

Maybe I do, and maybe that's what's on my OnlyFans.


Khaoz_Se7en t1_iy4pkxc wrote

I imagine it’s basically the inverse of what you have here, all starts out on a sheet of black paper and you fill in with white ink so to speak


creeepy117 t1_iy6qo1j wrote

I live in wv and I've seen mothman before


DamionSWE t1_iy0c4bo wrote

This looks like something out of Berserk, very nice and well done!


DJ_Spark_Shot t1_iy0jrcb wrote

DC version. One of my least favorite B-teir villains.

Now the Inside Job version, he's hilarious!