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Darth_Vadaa t1_iyrhrs3 wrote

Reply to comment by xannmax in Internal Dialogue [OC] by downrightlazy

I relate a lot to this picture for these same reasons. I'm the kind of person who really beats myself up over my mistakes when I probably shouldn't and it just makes my life more difficult. Like right now I'm dealing with some insurance bullshit with my car and I made a lot of mistakes in reporting it (the other person hit me in the parking lot) and yet I'm the one giving myself shit when they couldn't care less and would rather screw me over.


downrightlazy OP t1_iyrwkys wrote

This probably isn't going to help, but you live and you learn right ? Next time you get hit by a car, you'll probably make less mistakes. Tbf, i'd be blaming myself the same way as you if it happened to me and that constant cycle of negative thoughts and baratement would continue despite someone telling me it isn't my fault, but fuck it, it's not your fault mate, take a deep breath and just try to clear your mind for one minute atleast. You deserve that. You'll figure this out. Cheers.


Darth_Vadaa t1_iyrxw77 wrote

It does help a little, thank you. I'm just taking it one day at a time trying to figure this mess out. I'll still be stuck in my negative cycle, but the solidarity helps. It was absolutely her fault and I'll find a way to fix it, whether it be through her insurance or mine.