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eatyourchildren101 t1_izcbnmw wrote

Your anguish has a cool tail! Do you think the skull originally had skin or no?


free_is_free76 t1_izceqnt wrote

You have to read Carl Sagan's Dragons of Eden... this is certainly the neocortex emerging from the R-complex. The skull is ominous, but, as it represents growth from and not decay, we can be sure that, when fully formed, this creature will retain its reptilian power (and danger) but be contained - controlled - by a rational, thinking human brain.


ImThinkingImDone t1_izchm5n wrote

did you make up this creature yourself? i love it

its like part chameleon and dragon and a wendigo


svh01973 t1_izd98cn wrote

I hope you're doing well now emotionally and mentally


megabooy1 t1_izdjxis wrote

Nosk go back to Hallownest!!


flontru t1_izdkbar wrote

It's a cool drawing. I hope you're doing better :)


Hobbyfischer t1_izds5uf wrote

Wow, the first time you postet it you said you found it - i feel like you are not telling the truth in one way or another


prawnfart t1_izdtv67 wrote

I can almost feel your emotions from this drawing. Loving it mate


333H_E t1_izdurop wrote

Are you by chance Filipino? This reminds me of a cryptid I can't quite remember the name of from the Philippines.


Cotnan t1_ize7p5g wrote

Being 12 is so hard 😩😩😩😩


Rodan_ t1_izedpg7 wrote

No Face from Spirited Away


Omoro OP t1_izes3um wrote

I was in my late twenties working for a sales company that made fun of my sexuality, underpaid me and made me work 60 hours a week. I was also dating someone who had no respect for me.


DrJProtobum t1_izf1poj wrote

you cool if i use this in my dnd canpaign?


BeachOnTheSex t1_izf31bg wrote

The black dog has gotten quite big 😅


PaifusWatermelon t1_izf3at7 wrote

It’s cool. Reminds me of Warwick Johnson-Cadwell’s style.


Alien_Instincts t1_izf5r7t wrote

I like how it looks like it is bending over and reaching like there’s dimension to it, which is amazing and you have a good depth perception.


jdubery t1_izfejah wrote

I imagine this as a micro sleep paralysis demon clinging to an eyelash and staring into ones soul.


Earthwick t1_izfg3h5 wrote

Not sure why people are being dicks. I think it looks cool though. Like something from a dark indie video game.


GreenEyedCat t1_izfp6m6 wrote

I like this. I feel like I can hear it. It’d be creaking and crackling and slithering and skittering


xeno-fire- t1_izghd37 wrote

...if you are feeling better now or when you arent going through a lot, slowly draw over it and turn it into an awesome 80's hair metal monster wailing on a sick guitar or something.

it could be cathartic seeing something from when you were down slowly turn into some positive