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OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j14ffzp wrote

Illustration of the poem Before Dream by Novica Tadic!

I'm really happy how this one turned out in the end.. Also this is a redo of an older and first graphite piece which I did several months ago after I had failed exam for Art Academy and had decided to develop my own style apart from digital-industry style art!
For more art you can find me at


BornYinzer t1_j14okgv wrote

As long as no parts of his body hang over the edge of the bed, he'll be alright.


KGhaleon t1_j14p1l3 wrote

Sucks when the Eclipse happens right under your bed.


Jjcasta t1_j14r6ux wrote

Needed Right hand finger flipping, sorry for my obscenity


Lt_Muffintoes t1_j14wnnv wrote

In this world, is the destiny of man controlled by some transcendental entity or law?


FluffyFurryCloud t1_j153hs1 wrote

That is truly magnificient. Something about the way the faces twist and coil into each other reminds me vividly of my own nightmares.


til_noon t1_j15amzy wrote

„The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.“

Stephen King, Night Shift


FattalFurry t1_j15qdl4 wrote

Plot twist, this child is lucid dreaming and that's what he decided to create.


Tamayachi t1_j15qmfd wrote

Looks like Bearic is in for another long night


eoliveri t1_j15x4xk wrote

I'm more worried about strangulation from that necklace.


Del_Prestons_Shoes t1_j167y3d wrote

On my phone in a darker room when I slightly wobble it back and forth the dark side wobbles more than the white giving quite a cool effect


caucasoidape t1_j169nt5 wrote

What's worse, the monsters, or pissing off your asshole stepdad?


osym t1_j16gthr wrote

Ugh I don’t normally rock with dark visual art just for my psyche but this shit is REALLY dope 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Boner-b-gone t1_j16hyxz wrote

Funny how Christianity has the biggest problem with demons.


Animegx43 t1_j16ruvy wrote

"We'll get him the moment he needs to get up to pee. Eh hehehe-oh, Sun shining through the window. Nevermind."


RCRDC t1_j173i4q wrote

That's why I sleep on the floor. More hugs for me


Neosanxo t1_j174gyk wrote

What does it mean when there's a spiral in your vision?


OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j17drbv wrote

Demons can be found in all cultures and religions..Christians had just put lots of emphasis on them. But actually its not that much if you look up ancient Egyptians or Babylonians. Those guys were rocking on their own with demons and such xd


OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j17dvtv wrote

Thanks! To be frank, i never went this dark and i dont usually like to do very dark with my artwork, just slight dark fantasy...But with this one it was really personal and i had to go really deep with it to describe how scary it was for me when i grew up with heavy nightmares


lynchthesloth_ t1_j17fi4z wrote

I'm genuinely surprised people can make such astonishing art❤️


The--scientist t1_j17froo wrote

I'm really glad that boy's friends are there to keep him safe.


schoolsolver t1_j17gscr wrote

This is always what I feel during childhood :|


SoloBishop t1_j17ij8e wrote

Bottom left demon looks just like Margret Thatcher.


judgementforeveryone t1_j17j6qx wrote

One of the most talented pieces I’ve seen in this sun! Just stunning! Wld love to know how long it took, if u s sketched out beforehand, & what ur process was/is!


D3th2Aw3 t1_j17odts wrote

This is beautiful. Well done.


CameoAmalthea t1_j17phyv wrote

When I was very little I remember how the shadows in my room at night looked like different monsters. I named them and they were my friends.


foleyo10 t1_j17rsmb wrote

Nice! Old mate in the bottom left looks a bit like a Botchling


BroYoHo t1_j17xa9i wrote

That’s why I cover myself fully before falling asleep.. smh


snocown t1_j17xmeo wrote

Dude I bore witness to this shit, it’s horrifying but beautiful at the same time. They were basically telling me that wake and sleep were one in the same, just taking turns telling stories.


oil_moon t1_j18018l wrote

Top left looking like a demonic Earthworm Jim


OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j18797h wrote

Ah i can understand you...Its really horrifying. I still can remember that feeling of waking up from terrible nightmare , with shivers deep in my bones and in being in room so cold with this tension in air, as if all of love and compassion has gone .
Ive tried to put that expirience in this illustration and just make it nice to look at by composition and so on...


snocown t1_j187krs wrote

For me it wasn't even exactly a nightmare, waking had me perceiving regular things of this reality like cartoon characters and people, but when I was slipping into sleep they started morphing and swirling like the picture, which would freak me out and wake me slightly then I'd go back into that.

The fear itself wasn't seen as a bad thing, it helped me feel how alive I was during the experience. But when I finally gave in it slowed and became more like a soft ocean wave. When it started evening out I got this weird in-between of awake/sleep states where I was able to traverse the dream world via thought. If I moved my physical body it probably would have woken me up.


Eui472 t1_j188gqr wrote

Any way to buy prints from you?


sahm85 t1_j1891ek wrote

This made me remember my sleep paralysis episodes I had as a teen. Feeling like something was in my room trying to pull me down or hold me down. Not being able to move or open my mouth to scream was always so terrifying.


Lost_Way7698 t1_j18c6e1 wrote

This is one of the reasons I don't let anything hang over the edge of the bed when I sleep and I'm 44 lol


jinladen040 t1_j18qvv4 wrote

That Teddy Bear has never lost a fight.


Kusokurai t1_j18zm4r wrote

Silly monsters- don’t they know Teddy will have ‘em?


Boner-b-gone t1_j191mp7 wrote

The difference, at least as far as I understand, is that both Egyptians and Babylonians regarded demons as something much more neutral than Christian demons. In Christianity, to be a demon is to be pure evil, period and full stop. In Egypt and Babylon, they were more like djinni, powerful supernatural creatures who could help or hurt depending on both their whims and the disposition of the person invoking them.

I mean, shit, you don't see Catholics with a statue of Lucifer hanging up over their mantel because he's the most powerful of the air demons. But that's precisely what Babylonians did.

Anyway, that was my point - Christianity (and perhaps other Judeo-Christian religions, but I don't know as much about them) alone seems to think that any supernatural being that isn't God itself or very obviously an angel is somehow pure evil.


OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j1950j9 wrote

Yes, you have the point and thats a good analysis. Thats how one could interpret history and all. To be frank i cant side with ether point of view. Christians, especially during medieval ages gave just too much on demons and making it all go around them and causing mass histeria while Egyptians and other ancients were causing them self harm by looking at demons as neutral.
Theres no middle in universe and no neutrality. You ether serve the ego-lucifer or you serve life- God, and all you can do is pick the side. If one tries to go neutral, because of universe evolving forward, he will fall behind as a result of it.
And also , demons cant really be neutral. They may not harm you , but in the end they all look to satisfy their own goals and ego ( hence the reason why they had fallen away from Gods light and other angels)


Boner-b-gone t1_j198jpx wrote

You say you can't side with either point of view then immediately pick a side.

And life is nothing but middles. When you're grown enough to consider multiple equally valid perspectives, you can see how something that seems good to one is a vile evil to another. There are universal truths, like "don't kill anyone unless there's absolutely no choice in self-defense," but those principles are not sentient beings. They're human notions.

It's the human brain that craves simple binaries, because/but that's not how life is.

Life is a gradient, a spectrum. Try and see more "colors," more variety and diversity, besides white and black. That's how the Egyptians and Babylonians saw things.


GoatHoovesPi t1_j19lo4y wrote

Teach a kid Christian fiction and this is what they will believe roils below them, an eternity designed and waiting for them. Sweet dreams Great piece of art 🤘🏼🖤


OgnjenPavkovicArt OP t1_j19puq7 wrote

If it was only an Christian fiction...I was raised in athiest family and never had much faith when i was a kid, and even worse i didnt even know much about God and religion at all. But also i grew up in a hounted house and had many sightings of paranormal activities and nightmares that tormented me.
To add to the point...Those same paranormal sights had this extreme evil energy in them that i would be frozen from fear.
The only thing which did save me from that were prayers and belief in God :)
Also, thank you mate, im really glad you like it!