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wheeliechacha t1_j47ov03 wrote

Nobody but why reference that tale if itโ€™s not?


Squidzbusterson t1_j47quzo wrote

There are three things I remember about the mountains of madness.

The first half puts me to sleep

Lovecraft hates penguins

and he's terrified of trains for some reason


KPipes t1_j47s9o8 wrote

A fleshed out full deck using this theme would be amazing.


TheRealGnarlyThotep t1_j48jspp wrote

Damn dawgโ€ฆthatโ€™s eldritch, grotesque AND cyclopean all at the same time.

Well done.


gw2master t1_j48ndj1 wrote

> Lovecraft hates penguins

The funny thing is, so did Herman Melville:

> Let us first glance low down to the lowermost shelf of all, which is the widest, too, and but a little space from high-water mark. What outlandish beings are these? Erect as men, but hardly as symmetrical, they stand all round the rock like sculptured caryatides, supporting the next range of eaves above. Their bodies are grotesquely misshapen, their bills short, their feet seemingly legless; while the members at their sides are neither fin, wing, nor arm. And truly neither fish, flesh, nor fowl is the penguin; as an edible, pertaining neither to Carnival nor Lent; without exception the most ambiguous and least lovely creature yet discovered by man. Though dabbling in all three elements, and indeed possessing some rudimental claims to all, the penguin is at home in none. On land it stumps; afloat it sculls; in the air it flops. As if ashamed of her failure, Nature keeps this ungainly child hidden away at the ends of the earth, in the Straits of Magellan, and on the abased sea-story of Rodondo.

from his The Encantadas (bunch of short stories/sketches about the Galapagos: pretty easy reading for Melville... also, easily found online for free as it's public domain).


LitreOfCockPus t1_j492dbu wrote

John Mayberry has a cool crossover with that story in his Joe Ledger series.

I didn't know beforehand, and it was a fun coincidence.

Novel is "Kill Switch" ๐Ÿง


TripleBobRoss t1_j493isi wrote

My best friend is really into playing cards. I was thinking about trying to get him a deck of cards as a gift, with some kind of really cool art that you wouldn't normally see on cards. The thing is, I want to have like hundreds of dicks, kind of hidden in plain sight in the art. I would hope that he wouldn't notice, then one day he would notice all the dicks. But I have no art skills whatsoever, and wouldn't know how to arrange something like this.


DeadFishCRO t1_j4a9p1h wrote

Love his works but find it funny that everyone who is not a north west European protestant is a idiotic degenerate cultist. I don't think Slavs like me were even considered white by Americans at the time he was writing.