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AriusAeternus t1_j4nil8p wrote

I always thought about how scary entities like this are probably physically weak and not too intelligent, just scary, and how if they were real I’d hope I’d be brave and reasonable enough to just straight up kill it instead of running away or panicking. Kinda like with spider or cockroaches, we humans tend to run away and panic when something looks weird even though we could easily kill it hundreds of times over.


Ccavitt2 t1_j4npsin wrote

You see, this is how the dumb jock in horror movies always thinks and ends up dying first. Withdraw, observe and then form a plan of attack lol.


AriusAeternus t1_j4nvvb1 wrote

Yeah but that’s fiction. The monster is always overpowered for the sake of the film. Real life is different. Real life is why a human can kill an 800 pound tiger with a sharp rock and also why a tiny little tick can paralyze an entire human with a single bite given the right diseases. What you said is of course the smartest, best, and safest course of action, but that strategy goes with any living organism that may pose a threat to you. I’m not talking about survival and logical choices, I’m just talking exclusively about combat with scary creatures like these should they exist with realistic abilities and limitations. I’m thinking any man with bravery and a fit body (not fat or skinny, doesn’t have to be muscular just not unhealthy) could probably beat the shit out of half of these “scary female with wide eyes and a large mouth and long black hair” type creatures. Also, muscular man that’s big and strong doesn’t mean stupid. Often times in reality, in fact most of the time, big muscular men are very intelligent, and educated as they exist in the modern world with unlimited access to information (albeit they would have been just intelligent and not educated prior to the modern era). I never liked the brute stereotype. Take my upvote regardless for being clever.


AGoldenChest t1_j4ot4mr wrote

Anon, thats how you get cursed. You fuck with these things and they either stand up from their crouched position and tower over you, or they mumble a hex to curse you to have screaming night terrors every day for the rest of your life.


AriusAeternus t1_j4p7bk5 wrote

  1. Taller doesn’t mean stronger or heavier. This thing likely weighs less than me, so being taller spreads the weight out and makes it even easier to defeat. 2. I’m religious so I’m protected from supernatural curse. 3. I’m going to end it anyway, so no after effects save for potential injuries and/or trauma.

AGoldenChest t1_j4sf2lp wrote

  1. If its taller you’re still not going to be able to just pull the thing over your shoulder and slam it down, it’ll be awkward for you to reach. And longer limbs give it a range advantage, while you have to duck every swing and get in close to do anything at all.

  2. Just the act of being religious isn’t going to protect you from a curse. Whens the last time a demon was dissuaded from haunting someone just because they believed in a deity? You at least need a religous fetish, icon, or artifact, or to practice a ritual or action that grants you protection.

  3. What do you mean “end it?” Shit doesn’t end just cuz you say so. What do you think a curse is? Shit doesn’t play by your rules. It could very well linger on for decades after you kill the thing and even jump to the next generation from thereon.

This is all assuming this thing even has a corporeal body and isn’t just some memetic effect or illusion in your mind.


AriusAeternus t1_j4sh5om wrote

Counter-counter point (wtf is even going on) 1. Simple physics. Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration. Just me punching this thing is going to affect it a lot more than it’ll affect me, since I have a greater mass to resist Newton’s third law, resulting in me having the physical advantage every single time. Also, it being taller does make things awkward for me, but anyone who’s fought knows that being taller and lighter is a major disadvantage. Sure you have a long reach, but what’s the point if you reach out only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled into whatever attack is coming next.

Counter-counter point 2. You’re right, I totally agree. Believing in a God by itself isn’t enough. You already mentioned what you need. My religion of Islam already has its own prayers, I just didn’t bother mentioning them. Good catch though.

Counter-counter point 3. By “end it” I mean kill it. I didn’t go into detail because this is all hypothetical. In a real situation there are a variety of factors that could go into you killing something. Feel free to think about some potential ways this could happen.


AGoldenChest t1_j4sulyt wrote

  1. How are you so certain you’d have a greater mass than it? Yeah it may be spread out more on this beast but it would still probably weigh more given it’s size. Maybe a lightweight in its own respective weight class, but a giant compared to even your average body builder.

  2. I figured you would kill it, but that doesn’t necessarily end the curse if there is one. I wasn’t talking about that, go back over it.


AriusAeternus t1_j4u4ex5 wrote

  1. It’s simple physics. Matter is conserved, and you can’t have more then you’re given. How do we as creatures gain mass? By eating! These things don’t have a grocery store. I absolutely eat more than they do, so logically and scientifically my mass is greater. Them being taller just puts them at a greater disadvantage as they’re easier to move. A short person weighing 100 pounds is harder to carry then a tall person weighing 100 pounds.

  2. If they get supernatural devil powers, then I get to say special prayers and seek refuge in God’s protection against their sorcery. This is hypothetical, so we can assume this would work, because these curses defy our reality’s laws so that guarantees the existence of an omnipotent creator capable of protecting me from evil like that.


flcwerings t1_j4r2dt4 wrote

considering these creatures are usually of the supernatural sort. Im pretty sure they would have the advantage


AriusAeternus t1_j4sf9dd wrote

If these creatures get to have supernatural powers given to them by whatever devil, then we’re going to assume I also have God’s protection against their extra-dimensional abilities, which means they need whatever abilities they have in this reality: strength, speed, durability, intelligence etc. which means as a result they can’t just use black magic on me. They also don’t have a movie plot to back up their overpoweredness.


flcwerings t1_j4sfhae wrote

> then we're going to assume I also have God's protection against their extra-dimensional abilities

I.... dont think thats how that works...


AriusAeternus t1_j4u433k wrote

Supernatural power for them but not for me? Come on. That makes no sense. If these things were to exist to defy physics, God would definitely be real because how else would they be able to do such a thing.


flcwerings t1_j4w98y6 wrote

bc youre a normal, mortal human and theyre some otherworldly species. So, yeah... No supernatural powers for you.


AriusAeternus t1_j4xjtty wrote

Not my power. If you wanna talk about how they get powers in movies, let’s talk about how Christian exorcists are always doing weird Bible shit to kill or expel the demons. I’m not even Christian but that’s the best example I got.


flcwerings t1_j50t6oa wrote

not all of them. Some have nothing to do with religion


Alessandra_Dolce t1_j4p57uc wrote

Reassuring that I'm not the only one making up sceanrios in my head about how I would handle entities as a hobby 😂


AriusAeternus t1_j4sfazk wrote

I just thought of it, I wouldn’t say it’s a hobby 😭


kazuzu991 t1_j4mkdll wrote

I hate this. Good find


Southport84 t1_j4mja82 wrote

Just like my toddlers running around the house in the middle of the night.


Lost_Way7698 t1_j4m9qps wrote

The lack of a nose makes it scarier I think, I love it


Alienswag t1_j4n2uau wrote

I printed this out and placed it in my works urinal


tst907 t1_j4nukin wrote

Corey Taylor?


Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j4met4c wrote

Reminds me of those old screamers from the early 2010s


[deleted] t1_j4obwza wrote

This is excellent. Made me stop scrolling


nightmarish-serein t1_j4oi6pn wrote

It becomes increasingly unsettling the longer you stare at it 😬


Bigred1515 t1_j4o605a wrote

How I look at my wife when she’s taking her clothes off…


Ok_Spend_889 t1_j4oovtv wrote

Looks like what's his name from Harry potter


AdrianZugravu t1_j4lyur0 wrote

Where did you take this from?


HappyLittleRadishes t1_j4mcpbn wrote

Reminds me of the most recent volume of the Mandela Catalogue.

Anyone familiar with the series will know the exact scene I'm talking about.


LostBoyz007 t1_j4mvfkl wrote

Whatever it is, it looks happier than me....


TheNimbleOne1993 t1_j4pakgz wrote

Damn, this slightly jumpscared me...EDIT: a few minutes later and I still feel it. This pic is seriously unsettling.


GuineapigPriestess71 t1_j4q4nhg wrote

This is why we run after turning off the lights and jump across the room into bed


Animegx43 t1_j4oyx95 wrote

When someone opens a bag of chips.


Tobin678 t1_j4p5676 wrote

“I see youuu”


imaspaceheater t1_j4pbdqf wrote

Literally horrified me as I was scrolling. nice one.


witchyanne t1_j4pgsy1 wrote

Yikes! Was waiting for movement (pupils, widening grin, head tilt, something I don’t know) I love it!


Orowam t1_j4pncwt wrote

She’s really giving chicken nugget


KingNaas t1_j4pnw1r wrote

Zoom in, it’s fun


SomebodyNotFound t1_j4r01lj wrote

Yo, this looks like a small titan from "Attack On Titan"


SkullyDoggo t1_j4w8gul wrote

'you got games on your phone?'


BerryIcy8315 t1_j55lxlh wrote

"You got games on your phone?"


[deleted] t1_j4nxbif wrote

This is fucking stupid
