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TinySoftKitten t1_j5gyu1s wrote

This is a really cool image, what inspired it?


SaraBaunArt OP t1_j5l6m3x wrote

Shrikes actually, they’re beautiful and mean 🖤


mflor09 t1_j5lgc08 wrote

Kinda sadistic too for those that don't know, the shrike impales it's prey on its 'favourite' spike while it's prey it's still alive then either eats it's on the spot or leaves it there for later. It also shits on that spike regularly.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5ijvhx wrote

My little Totoro had a monster like this.


lbomher t1_j5j0ovu wrote

It's No Face from spirited away!


Risley t1_j5jmcgq wrote

That cartoon was magical. And I watched it as an adult. I almost felt depressed during it when she’s on the train, the music is just so beautiful.