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Sendrith t1_j5rqmsj wrote

Reply to comment by AGoldenChest in Arsonist by JerBearBK

it's similar to the cognitohazard aspect of some cosmic horror, where unearthing the wrong knowledge or observing the wrong entity is enough to doom you.


SheCouldFromFaceThat t1_j5tsze4 wrote

Hoo boy, do I have a series for you!


UDPviper t1_j5ucmyj wrote

Like in Alone In The Dark where just reading one of the cursed books kills you. You don't have to even read all of it, and there's no real warning or indication that it's harmful/fatal.


MileEx t1_j5skjn2 wrote

I don't understand what you're saying, yet I have a feeling I might be interested in it.

What do you mean by "some cosmic horror"? Stories/movies? Theories in physics?


blkplrbr t1_j5ua5kk wrote

There's a god in the Lovecraft series of novels that is litterallly just a librarian but his whole deal is that he willingly shows explorers into his area and they go insane from the knowledge they learned.


ShieldLord t1_j5swpgi wrote

> unearthing the wrong knowledge or observing the wrong entity is enough to doom you.

Have these words no value to you?!



MileEx t1_j5t1r4a wrote

Oh it's from Lord Of The Rings. Ok, thanks.