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nanaki989 t1_j5yt5ls wrote

I know some dudes would still risk it.


Kemerd t1_j6032wj wrote

Ok, I mean. This is pretty scary, but some of you haven't seen my Wife when she's angry either, and I still hit.


Warm-Net-Weeb t1_j5yjlcp wrote

  • sees the body * Oh yea
  • Then sees the extra eyes and the things on her back * Oh hell no

AnonAlcoholic t1_j609jye wrote

> sees the body * Oh yea

> Then sees the extra eyes and the things on her back * Oh hell no yea


KurtisPrime t1_j5ztlq0 wrote

What would make this 5 time scarier is if she like a mimic that only look human from far away.

At closer look you can see the seam in the skin and when view closer all the facial feature are just camouflage patent.

And the real mouth is somewhere in the neck.


btbhouston2000 OP t1_j601ebj wrote

I agree and was along similar lines to what I intended. I guess it's the nature of being a still image that I had to show more humanness than what I would have rather done.


knotsbygordium t1_j60av4t wrote

Freaking Denarian. Good job.


Grimholtt t1_j60hanf wrote

Somebody knows about Wizards in the yellow pages.


btbhouston2000 OP t1_j61e4mh wrote

Thanks, but I'm ignorant and don't know that name ๐Ÿ˜ถ


knotsbygordium t1_j62g763 wrote

Demon possessed evil guys from the Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher.


Grimholtt t1_j60h3h1 wrote

Not my weirdest fap...


Donitos2 t1_j60qfpn wrote

$50 if i can stay in for 8 seconds before she kills me.


Mat1c444 t1_j6117td wrote

Ye ol' im gonna put my dick in that.



drakens6 t1_j61l117 wrote

hmm, her 2nd pair of eyes are down, not up... Its not a Marduk, what system did you run into this thing in?


btbhouston2000 OP t1_j61mfdt wrote

Well, the tattoos were supposed to be a sort of camouflage for her extra openings (and forehead tattoos aren't great - fave tattoos were bad enough)....and I have no idea if I answered the question or not ๐Ÿ˜ถ


drakens6 t1_j61nn13 wrote

hehe ;) the joke was that it looks kinda like the ancient Marduk (martians) described by Sumerian literature like the Enuma Elish (Horus from egyptian culture is an example of one too), they had 4 eyes but the second pair were higher instead of lower.


btbhouston2000 OP t1_j62143x wrote

Wow, cool. Mark it down, I learned something today. Sounds like some cool myths I could explore for a potential future picture.