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HortaNord t1_j6uto7n wrote

it's not about the data collection or privacy, it's about depression, anxiety and suicide behavior in young people driven by the business model of modern social media


Nemesis034 t1_j6uvq8d wrote

This. The tik tok algo, whether it's by design or just algo gone amok, is actively promoting content glorifiyng mental illness as something hip that people should get involved with. It's kinda like the emo trend of the 2000s but worse. No video game, thriller/horror movie or what have you will tell you it's hip to have and/or identify with mental illness..


NeverrSummer t1_j6uwccr wrote

So exactly what reddit does? Glorify depression and bipolar disorder and suicide jokes because it makes good memes?

You never been to /r/me_irl or /r/dankmemes before? They're quite large/popular.


Nemesis034 t1_j6uwury wrote

Yup. However reddit don't have an algo actively pushing it..

Edit: caught your edit (second paragraph for posterity) and those are specific subs. Not sitewide.


NeverrSummer t1_j6ux8n1 wrote

They get pushed to signed out users same as any other sub with enough traffic. I fail to see how that's different than algorithmic selection from a new user perspective.


Nemesis034 t1_j6uxgr2 wrote

True. Some of it reaches the front page. But only some. On tik tok it's overepresented af.


NeverrSummer t1_j6uxmxk wrote

Do you have any data or insider information to validate that? Because I would argue that I see significantly more depression memes on Reddit than what my friends have ever shown me on TikTok.


NeverrSummer t1_j6uvzuo wrote

TikTok is no worse than reddit or Facebook or video games or MSN Messenger or IRC or BBS or television or radio or books or whatever other shit the adults of the generation claimed was "poisoning the youth".

You aren't enlightened. You're just old.

This is the exact same moral panic we've been seeing for centuries, and pretending TikTok is truly the most serious it's ever been is extreme hypocrisy.


DefinitelyNotMasterS t1_j6uzt8e wrote

People being wrong in the past doesn't mean that people will always be wrong in the future, what a bizarre take.


NeverrSummer t1_j6v04tx wrote

Well no... but hundreds of years of being wrong in the exact same way might be evidence to hesitate about coming to the same conclusions yourself.

It doesn't obviate being wrong, but it suggests caution for sure, right?


Jammintoad t1_j6v4izu wrote

And people also thought cigarettes and alcohol was good for you. That doesn't mean they are. It's not just a generational difference in behavior, it's consumption of a substance.

Sure you can live a full life doing things that are unhealthy. That doesn't make them ultimately "good" for you


NeverrSummer t1_j74w2km wrote

And you honestly, genuinely in your heart of hearts, think that is worse than all the shit I saw on 4chan and LiveLeak as a child?

To the point that we need to ban TikTok because the algorithm is just that toxic, but me seeing a beheading when I was like nine was okay? Those parts of the internet were and are fine?

Or is your argument that those are also a problem and we need a "great firewall of America" where only approved websites are allowed to grace our delicate children's eyes?

How do you differentiate between individual responsibility, parental responsibility, and governmental responsibility for online content?


Jammintoad t1_j7517ij wrote

I didn't say anything about banning tik tok or even regulating it. Don't put words in my mouth. And no, I don't think you should have seen those things as a young child, at least without someone helping you deal with them.

Alcohol nor cigarettes are banned, but that doesn't mean we can't view them as generally unhealthy in most cases.


HortaNord t1_j6wqjuu wrote

MSN Messenger & IRC didn't had an AI throwing pointless content at your face, this is the difference betwen something usable and something toxic


NeverrSummer t1_j6x0aeq wrote

Sure they just had humans doing it, which seems equivalent.