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JonPaula OP t1_j7ht4c9 wrote

Strong disagree! All movies have value, even (especially) the bad ones. I enjoy some of the dumbest shit too, so that helps, haha. I'm currently working my way through all 110 Disney Channel Originals... and while none of them are outright awful, they are definitely, rarely "good."

Also, I tend to grade on a curve.


xxX-grumpymonk-Xxx t1_j7iga1k wrote

same. people are way too concerned with “wasting time” not realizing that the experience of life is not a waste, no matter the endeavor. its just a part of life. i’m at over 1500 movies and going. best of luck and thanks for sharing!


JonPaula OP t1_j7ik10g wrote

Plus, I watched a lot of terrible films so I could review them and entertain others, (and earn a living)... and I feel like that's at least somewhat of a noble pursuit.