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ma3gl1n t1_j9ux94v wrote

ChatGPT has(d) hardly any alternatives, Instagram had plenty, and their target audience and use cases are vastly different.


Gnoom75 t1_j9v3rve wrote

In 2022 dozens of LLM models where released, like PaLM, Megatron, etc. ChatGPT broke the barrier to the public by creating the right, easy to use interface with enough capacity for millions of users.


Michael90_Denmark t1_j9xmihs wrote

Also when ChatGPT launched it was not OpenAIs first project. Is like saying the adoption of iPhone 14 was millions of user within a few days.

Instagram on the other hand only had one product and a very small team.

Comparing ChatGPT to Instagram is pretty much misleading


NoAdvantage6286 t1_j9urx68 wrote

Supposedly chatgpt is to AI As Napster was to music. Perhaps a better comparison?


MiffedMouse t1_j9wev6b wrote

This kind of narrative is really targeted more at investors than it is consumers. The modern investing environment is focused on finding "unicorns" - startups that hit a valuation of >$1B before being listed on the stock exchange.

The problem with this approach extends beyond dodgy statistics. This is the logic behind companies that prioritize growth above all other goals, including profit. But it also means that potential "unicorn" companies are pushed to focus their efforts on areas that will encourage faster growth and not to worry about anything that isn't directly tied to growth. That is how you get tech giants like Uber, Air B&B, WeWork, and the much laughed-at MoviePass, none of which are profitable and all of which are actually old company models sprinkled with just enough technomagic to seem new. Some (MoviePass) fail faster than others, but all of these companies throw investor money into an endless war over user growth so they can justify more investment.


Strange_Ad_6206 t1_j9x18bv wrote

Remove all the users who only created an account to see what all the fuss is about and then this will be worth checking.


Swimming-Ebb-4231 t1_j9z6uxg wrote

According to Apple, the iPhone 6 and 6 plus sold over 10 million units on its first weekend.