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quilsmehaissent t1_ja49c77 wrote


It would be nice to have a map comparing minimum wage or medium wage with this!


lost_in_life_34 t1_ja4b9fq wrote

I paid over $5 for a venti brewed coffee in NYC recently. don't go in much and was shocked at the price. at home i just make my own


ToughAd5010 t1_ja4dj5g wrote

As an American, I’ll stop complaining about Starbucks costs now


albert_camus451 t1_ja4iwg3 wrote

If you go to Starbucks basically anywhere in Europe you’re just stupid. Every city/town/ village has better coffee Options than that overpriced stuff. Basic coffee that is.


Maleficent-Number-10 t1_ja4nwg3 wrote


Starbucks often charges more than local shops likely because no one goes.

I live in Russia, map is BS. Starbucks is gone now but was ~350rub for grande ~4.6USD


ohea t1_ja4p3gg wrote

Always strikes me how mediocre American products get so ridiculously marked up in China. Don't even get me started about Texas Roadhouse Shanghai


Tha_Rider t1_ja4qay3 wrote

Stop maar met zoeken, we staan niet eens op de kaart…


DM-me-ur-tits-plz- t1_ja4qo9b wrote

Yeah I'm guessing the price is an average of all locations across the country, so while city locations that are more expensive probably account for more than 50% of sales, they're just a tiny portion of the total number of locations.

Skews the number down to prices that most people aren't paying, because many of those locations serve like maybe 100 people per day max.


akohhh t1_ja4tr3p wrote

Starbucks had a go in Australia, but shut down pretty much all their shops and left. There’s a handful of stores, mostly used by international students for their Wi-Fi. Australians like good espresso based drinks and have very limited interest in very big coffees, flavored stuff, whipped cream all over the place, etc.


fepeee t1_ja4tuvv wrote

Any germans confirm this?

I’ve been to Frankfurt airport recently, and it was like 3.something euros, no way it would be cheaper than average in an airport, right?


iwillnotberushed t1_ja4vb9q wrote

I'll be going to Turkey exclusively for my Starbucks lattes now. Thank you.


DerKyhe t1_ja4wspr wrote

Finland is one of the most expensive ones, and they have something stupidly small like less than 5 places in the entire country, all in Helsinki region I think.

I find it really difficult to understand how that is profitable since their stuff seems to be mostly proprietary stuff that is provided by the corporate.


k1ngsn0w t1_ja4zdms wrote

Honestly this chart is pretty misleading considering the current strength of the dollar and how much less popular Starbucks is in other countries. It's more of a novelty there so they can charge more. Starbucks is still ridiculously overpriced for what it is.


Raifthebarkeep t1_ja4zqvm wrote

Woohoo we are number two!! Suck it Sweden, your so cheap!


RidleyDeckard t1_ja515ar wrote

After the last price increase in the UK we bought a nice coffee bean to cup machine for home and rarely go to Starbucks having been regulars for years.


corsicanguppy t1_ja53aut wrote

Mexico isn't shown. I've had Starbucks in Mexico, only because I noticed a store on my way somewhere.


Montanto t1_ja569rj wrote

This is why I stick with drip.


proof_required t1_ja56dms wrote

Are you sure it was tall latte? I remember paying 3 euros for some small coffee. Even outside of Starbucks a cappuccino in normal Cafe in Berlin will cost you 3 euros. So unless you ordered an espresso, 3 euros at the airport sounds bit unbelievable.


Magmagan t1_ja5a9nl wrote

Or, how it seems to be cheaper in other countries, like Brazil, but really isn't. PPP has to be taken into account. You can afford two US lattes at federal minimum wage, but can't even afford one in Brazil.


LikeABundleOfHay t1_ja5aqzc wrote

It would be good if they said what currency the values are in.


fepeee t1_ja5g7br wrote

There it is! €3.99 for a tall latte 11 months ago, probably what I’m remembering

Still, feels weird that the average would be higher than that, wonder which cities are driving it upwards

Thanks for the link!


FormerHoagie t1_ja5ggsx wrote

I am a 12 hours 8 mins flight from the cheapest cup of Starbucks coffee in the Americas.


vox_popular t1_ja5gtwk wrote

It's somewhat ironic that my use of Starbucks has negatively correlated with my own socioeconomic status. As financial freedom has seemed more within reach over the years, I just have the ability to make my own coffee at home which hits 90-95% of the quality.


igotnocandyforyou t1_ja5ilap wrote

Curious why anyone in Columbia would buy Starbucks. Does it taste better there?


laurielinne t1_ja5kbse wrote

People are paying for the social atmosphere more than the coffee I think, a sort of stigma. Wow, I too can waste money on a drink that cost the amount equivalent to a can of coffee grounds from a grocery store. I think those people are idiots, but I’m just a someone who can care less about what others think about me.


k1ngsn0w t1_ja5ljiw wrote

Honestly I can't speak affirmatively on Brazil but in general I would really expect the prices to be lower in South America as that is generally where the beans come from. Plus, I'm sure the people who live there prefer local coffee as compared to corporare Starbucks.


Magmagan t1_ja5ph89 wrote

No, Starbrucks has brand name, so that logic doesn't work. Similar to McD's or BK, they charge way too much for their burgers compared to other chains. And we produce a ton of beef.

Coffee isn't super cheap either and a lot of it is exported... Don't think that your average joe here can justify (or even cares for) arabica coffee at at least double the price of normal robusta. We consume a lot of coffee but we don't have a super refined taste most of the time.

Also, if the price of the latte were closer to the US average then demand would plummet. It's already marketed towards mid/high-mid class and even then it would be hard to justify spending like, 40 reais on just the coffee for two people.

So the price is lowered because PPP is a thing. People need to be able to afford the product. At the same time, people earn far less than the relative price difference would suggest, so the product is still considered a luxury to normal consumers.


k1ngsn0w t1_ja5qyir wrote

Not sure where in Brazil you're from but I'm speaking mostly from an overhead cost perspective being that it doesn't require as much overhead to get the beans from x to y. Also, I agree that in the main cities of Brazil, the culture exists where people will pay a premium for American coffee (as sad as that is), but I know plenty of locals of Brazil who prefer their own coffee over Starbucks.


Magmagan t1_ja5tw1x wrote

But then why would it be more expensive in Germany, for example? They are one of the largest exporters of coffee in the world.

I get your perspective but I think it's too simple when it comes to starbucks lattes. Operations cost isn't so prevalent if the product is considered a luxury good.


menlyn t1_ja62q83 wrote

The US had about 15000 stores. China has 6000... notvquite 100 :1. Korea, Japan, UK and Canada have over 1000 stores each.

Maybe a novelty in some countries...but certainly not all.


VegaKH t1_ja65pf2 wrote

Unfortunately no Venezuela on the map, but I'm guessing the price around 20 million.


BornAgainTristan t1_ja6d44s wrote

The world has moved up from $1 McDonald's burgers to $3.50 Starbucks lattes ... Yay consumerism!


bhaskar_steve t1_ja6sn2p wrote

"In Cambodia and India, it would take more than 70% of the median daily wage to buy a Starbucks coffee."

Yet, every Starbucks in India is almost always full (and usually noisy unlike most countries). It's commonly filled with people trying to showoff their status symbol instead of having a coffee or getting their work done in peace.


lawfulkitten1 t1_ja740bq wrote

here in Tokyo at least there are like 10 different Starbucks-like local chains and they are all roughly the same price (i.e. expensive) so I think the point still applies, even if the stores aren't literally Starbucks branded. ordering coffee at a cafe here is fairly expensive.


Tulkor t1_ja748r7 wrote

We don't have them at every corner, but every major trainstation, most shopping Centers and many touristy areas have one, if i want one it takes me like 15min walking/with public transport to get one in most areas im regularly at.


Apprehensive_Ad_6024 t1_ja77v5m wrote

Nice to know they're overpriced where I live. Eh, it's not like I ever buy their coffee anyways


nownois t1_ja7k182 wrote

I wish they made good coffee at least (subjective opinion)


Jerund t1_ja7rsnb wrote

Ummm… you don’t need to be a millionaire to buy a cup of coffee…. Even in the usa, people who are buying coffee from Starbucks aren’t rich. You have those in the middle class living paycheck to paycheck buying it. So definitely hundreds of million of people can buy that cup of coffee which is already a lot of people


Jerund t1_ja7t62d wrote

I never defined the parameters for being rich to be a millionaire. I meant it as rich enough to buy Starbucks or whatever American product that is marked up very high. Obviously if they can’t afford to buy it, companies wouldn’t be entering the market and selling it at that price. Sir, this post is about coffee. What else would I be talking about? I replied to the person regarding how it’s difficult to imagine Chinese people buying highly marked up American products


Jerund t1_ja7ujgx wrote

Like I said again, I didn’t define my “data” on what is considered rich. You came in with the assumption that someone rich is someone who is a millionaire. You don’t need to be a millionaire (usd) to be “rich” in China. Even if you have 400k usd, you would be considered rich. In a tier 2 city, you can buy like 4-6 apartments with cash and rent that out. Your standard of living is much lower in China compared to USA. If you have a million dollars in america, I wouldn’t even consider that rich because everything is much more expensive.


estjol t1_ja7ypfx wrote

Stronger dollar would mean that keeping the price relatively the same in their local currency would reflect a lower price in dollars. So dollar being strong is not the reason why other countries are more expensive in terms of dollars, maybe in terms of their local currency the price can inflate.


k1ngsn0w t1_ja80oo0 wrote

First: you're making an assumption on the conversion methods. Two: those assumptions are wrong.

I cbf to elaborate with you but wanted to clear the air that your methodology is wrong.


Lanky-Huckleberry696 t1_ja85wnv wrote

Is this an average price? Wish is was still in the $3 range, but where I live it is $4.65 for a tall latte. Only head over the Starbucks when I am on the road. Got a nice latte machine at home and can have a hot latte anytime of day for less than a dollar for a single tall latte.


noBsEngineer t1_ja8ioil wrote

Would really like to see how the average cost per country is truly calculated. Is it averaged by price per starbucks location or something simpler and less accurate like average cost per city/state? Need more details..