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cote112 t1_j84xz8u wrote

They should probably change the seismic scale to 0-100 to show the difference between the big quakes and small to medium ones. Cause 5.6 sounds pretty close to 7.6, but it's not.


Team_Ed t1_j8543sw wrote

I mean. A 9.0 quake is 100 million times stronger in amplitude than a 1.0 tremor. 10.0 is 1 billion times stronger

So, if you wanted a linear scale to cover the same range of amplitude as the log. scale, you'd either need it to go from 0 to 1,000,000,000 ...

... or, if you really wanted it to be a linear scale going to 100, you'd have to be OK with this Turkish quake registering a 0.6 on your scale.


mo_tag t1_j876ybn wrote

No, because you're not comparing the Turkish earthquakes with a scale 10 earthquake so you can put the 7.8 quake at 100, and the 4.0 quakes would be hardly visible which makes sense since they happen every day and pretty much never make the news