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konaya OP t1_j89dq80 wrote

As someone who wasn't aware of his work until listening to the French intro right after the Italian one gave me a cultural whiplash, I wouldn't hesitate to call him a legend if this intro is representative of the rest of his work. Who knew Sailor Moon could be a sitcom?


ArvinaDystopia t1_j8d4wag wrote

If you want to see him on the drums.
That's what we got instead of Cha-la head-cha-la.
Warning: that song is going to stay with you for decades, and not in a good way.


konaya OP t1_j8dd4te wrote

Goodness! He does have a formula, doesn't he?

I dunno, I kinda dig how it's essentially the same song with the same lyric structure. It's so ridiculous I can't help but like it.