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treethirtythree t1_j8evi8x wrote

Correlation=Causation; poors can't drive.

Correlation/=Causation; higher income per capita likely means better funded government and better roads and safety programs. It also means there are more protections for workers to prevent unsafe practices that are more likely to lead to accidents.


ismaelsow OP t1_j8evwhn wrote

Good reminder! Always important when using scatter plots.


PredictorX1 t1_j8eyfj5 wrote

It'd be interesting to see "average miles driven" added to this.


phdoofus t1_j8g3k3d wrote

If you've seen shuttle drivers in Thailand, this chart makes perfect sense


Same_Ad_1273 t1_j8hg4xc wrote

also, the safety systems in vehicles are better in higher income per capita because they cost more money and higher income can afford them which means accidents are less fatal


radarsat1 t1_j8hq3a8 wrote

> Correlation=Causation; poors can't drive.

also Correlation=Causation, road accidents make people poor.


sebatakgomo t1_j8jdng9 wrote

public transit = less idiots in cars


treethirtythree t1_j8lgzem wrote

No, it means fewer smart people in cars, unless you're implying that only idiots take public transit.


Razatiger t1_j8lkujs wrote

Its not even about "idiots" its about the actual infrastructure of these roads. I honestly think people in 3rd world countries can control a car better then a lot of people in western countries just from the nature of how people drive. I think the problem comes because roads are poorly paved (Pot holes, bad condition) theres little to no signs, general overcrowding and lack of sidewalks.


sebatakgomo t1_j8r63wp wrote

What i mean is that the less people on the roads, the less chances of more idiots on the road. Public transit IS infrastructure


Razatiger t1_j8lkhtn wrote

I don't think its as much as Poor= cant drive, its more so about infrastructure.

Ive been to many 3rd world countries, they are insane drivers in a good way, but most dont have proper signs, massive pot holes and little to no sidewalks.