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Preds-poor_and_proud t1_j8i3dr7 wrote

I don't understand what is being measured here. I think it is showing GDP by Purchasing Power Parity, but I don't understand why it says "average values of GDP". I'm not familiar with that term.


droolingdonkey t1_j8i59nt wrote

It is a shitty measurement made to make russia and china seem better of then they are. Lets say 99% of the population eats potatoes and little money get you by but the problem very few has any money at all... then if 99% of the GDP is in corrupted oligarchs sitting in moscow then the measurement is off. Because the population wont buy potatoes and other goods for the 99% because they will never have much of the GDP.


svn380 t1_j8w9tyl wrote

  • that's not why Purchasing Power Parity exchange rates are used for international comparisons. Instead it tries to adjust for the fact that most spending is on "non-traded" goods and services.

  • it sounds like you're thinking of GDP per capita. Here "average" GDP seems to take a moving average to get nice smooth lines.