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TomaCzar t1_j8n43e5 wrote

I think it would be interesting to show viewership of the superbowl during the same period.


lukecakewalker t1_j8n7iah wrote

Yeah, the real measurement here is cost per pair of eyeballs


albymana OP t1_j8n7nlw wrote

good point, thanks !


lukecakewalker t1_j8n8exl wrote

Eh, I hope I didn’t sound too much of an ass. Total ad revenue is more important if you’re looking at the whole financial system of the sport.


chcampb t1_j8n4jer wrote

$200k per second and none of it was particularly good this year :(

Nothing rose to the level of Terry Tate: Office Linebacker, The Man Your Man could Smell Like, or It's a Tide Ad


Only4DNDandCigars t1_j8mvleb wrote

Is it linear? IIRC when Miller High Life had a one second commercial it cost significantly more because of the difficulty in putting in a one second ad instead of the regular ad runtime. Or was that just a special case?


brian_sahn t1_j8o10x3 wrote

I wonder why they didn’t buy the full 30 or 15 second spot and then sell 14 or 29 seconds to someone else?


Only4DNDandCigars t1_j8o1cfy wrote

I have no knowledge on it that wasn't anecdotal. Not to mention the marketing cost for them advertising the one second advertisement. But then again, it is how many years later and I am still talking about it.


77Gumption77 t1_j8n59ai wrote

Super Bowl ads are so over-produced. It makes me grateful that money restricts these ad agencies from subjecting people to this stuff all the time.


No_Variation_6639 t1_j8piojm wrote

When i was in walmart i heard someone ask the walmart associate, "You got any of that new gatorade prime drink"

So the ads must be working.


satans_toast t1_j8nrfgq wrote

I'd love to see internal analyses by these companies to prove expensive SB ads have a proportional impact on sales.


PredictorX1 t1_j8n10t1 wrote

It is interesting to fit a trend to this data. The least-squares fit of a 3-parameter logistic (Time = years since 1966) is:

548328.1273 * logistic(0.078376864 * Time - 4.852042189)

...which is over 5 times over-determined and has an apparent proportionate reduction in variance of 98.9%.


mkaku- t1_j8n3y9p wrote

The last 6 years have been weird in that they have really stayed the same.

Seems like it was strictly quadratic/power up until 2016 or so.


SuzieQ4624 t1_j8mz6jc wrote

But I'm really glad all these stupid companies are spending millions for one ad buy, instead of, you know, making a better product or making the existing product cheaper.

Never lower prices! Just make people pay more so we can tell them what a great choice they made.


40for60 t1_j8obmam wrote

Because stupid consumers don't buy shit that isn't advertised, you think companies really want to make ads?


munchi333 t1_j8oppiv wrote

Advertising brings customers.

Advertising is definitely worth it if it increases revenue by more than it costs.