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paz2023 t1_j8w6obs wrote

Donating to environmentalist causes would be conservative, far right fascism is extremist


Hendursag t1_j8w7dpf wrote

That's not how "conservative" is used in the US political system.


paz2023 t1_j8w9myp wrote

We decide every day how we should use language. Personally I think far right fascism has always been extremist, not conservative at all


Fluorescent_Tip t1_j8weeka wrote

Conservatives would dispute being far right fascists, though. It’s a weird jumble of people.


paz2023 t1_j8wfxuc wrote

I don't think it makes sense to use the language a minority of white far right extremists want everyone to use. We can use more accurate language


Uncle-Cake t1_j8wkmrg wrote

And if we change the meaning of words every day, they lose all meaning.


paz2023 t1_j8wmhdf wrote

Yeah what do far right extremists mean when they say woke as a slur?


BrandenburgForevor t1_j8wyrj5 wrote

I think you're mixing "conservationist" and "conservative".

The reason conservative is used is partially historical naming and partially because they typically want to "conserve" the status quo.

Lately however they have become more and more regressive so there are certainly some who could go in the fascist bucket imo