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420everytime t1_j8xg1a9 wrote

That’s many lies.

Neither Obama nor Biden separated children from their parents. They both separated children from human traffickers but that’s completely different.

Also, some of the children kidnapped by the trump administration aren’t reunited with their parents.


rewt127 t1_j8xgy99 wrote

"They both separated children from human traffickers but that is completely different". They didn't leave the kids with the traffickers and then do their investigation. They, just like Trump, do the separation immediately. Children and adults are processed separately. This is literally standard procedure and has been for decades.

"Also some of the children kidnapped by the...... reuinited with the parents" got any evidence that parents who can prove they are the legal guardians of a child were not reunited with the child? Because other than a potential few cases of allowing the child to stay in the US with family who got in legally (grand parents, cousins, etc). I dont think you can find any evidence of this. You might find some sob story, but never do they provide legal documents from the Government of Mexico or Nicoragua, etc to prove this. So the US cannot in good conscience return the child to potential traffickers.