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SoggyCorndogs t1_j9ewel4 wrote

Why though? Should Chinese students learn Russian? They border each other...


elpajaroquemamais t1_j9f3lki wrote

China and Russia are a bit more heterogeneous than that but yeah.


SoggyCorndogs t1_j9f84mn wrote

That isn't the point you made...


elpajaroquemamais t1_j9fgp3w wrote

The regions where China and Russia border have many more languages than just Mandarin or Russian. They are decently well blended despite the border. South Texas is basically Mexico and in fact used to be Mexico. It’s absurd that a state with a high Hispanic population doesn’t have a better foreign language requirement to help understand its own residents.


SoggyCorndogs t1_j9fkerc wrote

South Texas is south Texas; not Mexico. The US has a recognized language of American English - Texas is part of the US. Why should students (of US origin) learn a language to better understand the people south of the border? It's like forcing a German to learn French. (comparing Germanic language to Romantic language)

ETA: The US as a whole used to have MANY different native languages.. why aren't there requisite courses for those?