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glmory t1_j9jh93u wrote

This reminds me of malls trying to chase away teenagers. Well, it worked. The teenagers never liked malls much as a result and kept that world view as they got older.

A lot of older people will be shocked as younger Americans vote against things that make life easier for people who drive. Making driving unattractive for young people was the explicit goal though.


st4n13l t1_j9jkaqi wrote

Honestly I think it's a blessing that these types of unintended long term consequences are happening.


PredictorX1 t1_j9jnlr1 wrote

Why do you think so?


st4n13l t1_j9ju6lz wrote

Because I'm these examples the unintended consequences are that you get younger generations who are more supportive of policies like increased public transportation options and sustainable development.

I obviously don't think that the two examples mentioned here are the sole driver of these shifts in viewpoints, but they are certainly part of the soup.