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studmuffffffin t1_j9rriho wrote

Wouldn't the data show the opposite then? It's showing very low home ownership in that generation.


Cptof_THEObvious t1_j9ttu3p wrote

It seems to imply moreso that they got a late start. Great Depression before the war, so not great ownership then. The war happens, their wives join the work force, the ones who come back get GI bill and other benefits on top, and suddenly they can afford some houses. By retirement age, they've pretty much caught up in ownership, aided by the start of a boom in housing development (the effect of the fully developed boom can be seen in the extremely high rates in Boomers).


studmuffffffin t1_j9tumav wrote

The slope is still lower than the other generations slightly. It takes 13-15 years from age 20-35 to get from 10% to 60% for the other generations. It takes 22 years from age 25-42 the boomers to get from 10% to 60%.

I don't think OP explanation is good enough. Even with a late start, it takes longer to get there.


DeadFIL t1_j9vktsz wrote

Those changes stuck around. When people 20-30 were coming back from the war, some of those changes started. They didn't get back and suddenly millions of suburban houses poofed into existence the same day.