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tabthough OP t1_j9s6s0e wrote



Recently Marjorie Taylor Greene advocated for a National Divorce. What would a "National Divorce" look like in the United States? Here, the US is divided into five new regions:

  • New England: The classic New England region plus the rest of the East Coast up until Virginia. This is a region of immigrants with a beautiful diverse culture and a liberal lean. The financial center in New York helps make this the second largest region in terms of GDP. The Appalachians provide a natural geographic border.

  • New Canada: These states are close to Canada, with many people living in these states traveling across the border for work and vice versa. They are predominantly White, educated, and liberal.

  • New America: This is the heartland, united behind a conservative political lean. It has most of the population and the largest share of GDP, though the GDP per capita is second-to-last

  • New Mexico: New Mexico and Arizona

  • Pacifica: The West Coast, liberal states. It has the highest GDP per capita, though the total GDP is only third among these regions. The Rocky Mountains are a natural geographic border.

I do not agree with the idea of dividing up the country, but it's interesting to see the numbers.


triarii42069 t1_j9s8l04 wrote

>I do not agree with the idea of dividing up the country, but it's interesting to see the numbers.

You spent significant time and effort creating a map outlining the national divorce, decided to give several recent and historically blue states to the conservative country, made the conservative country "New America", and divided up the resulting liberal countries into four...

And you want us to believe this is some impartial thought experiment?