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kompootor t1_jaieb2x wrote

The pull-box in the lower-left has a quote not from the source:

>There appears to be no significant difference in food wastage between developing and developed countries, suggesting that most countries can implement similar actions against food waste.

Nothing like this is said in the UNEP report, and as u/Recolino points out, waste in developing countries is going to be due more to a large areas that lack refrigeration, industrial preservatives, and hardy strains of crops. Obviously that is a completely different problem, and a far more urgent one, than in the developed world.

This illustrates why in the best visualizations you should clearly indicate if there are some parts that are taken or summarized directly and precisely from your source, and another part is your own summary or synthesis or additional calculations. In this case the textbox is obviously your own words, but the first three are just basic numbers that could easily be checked (though be careful as some of the numbers do not have generally clear definitions, such as continent averages, if they are not explicitly enumerated in the source). A direct quote on solutions from the source is also verifiable. A statement in your own words, however, could possibly summarize the source text, but requires a much closer reading to verify than Ctrl+F, and could also be taken from a specific cited paper within if that source was not made explicit. All of this verifiability (and your own words are verifiably yours, as long as you explicitly denote it as such) goes to making a visualization usable outside of internet memes.