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Supertho t1_jaha1iw wrote

Gender pay gap is a myth in the USA. A woman with the same credentials as a man typically gets paid more to do the same job. They claim there's a pay gap because construction workers and hard laborers have higher pay on average and it's dominated by men because most women don't want to /can't do the work.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahb2eo wrote

Congratulations. You just described exactly what everyone means when they say “gender pay gap”.

What you just said, that’s what the gender pay gap is. So…. Not really a myth, eh?


bromazepam_ t1_jahdzgu wrote

Then what's the problem with the gender pay gap? What the person described is perfectly normal and fair

Edit: except the part where women get paid more than men for the same work but that's not "what everyone means" as you've said


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahe720 wrote

The undervaluing of professions dominated by women that are critical to society has knock on effects.


Paxisstinkt t1_jahdag3 wrote

Then we need more women in construction jobs. And women should get less children.

Maybe they don't want that and the statistics show that. So how about making a statistic about certain jobs? Men die earlier, also not shown in the graph


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahdiqp wrote

Perhaps we need to value nurses and teachers, and many other female dominated professions, more highly.

I worry moving all the teachers and nurses into trades will have some knock on effects that might not be so great for the economy in the long run.


Paxisstinkt t1_jaheokh wrote

Yes obv. Doesn't change the fact that women chose these jobs by themselves. It's peak femininism, everyone can study what he or she wants.

Edit: If you edit your post substantially please show it.

-So you want to tell women what they should work?


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahetnn wrote

I don’t see how that relates to this.


Paxisstinkt t1_jaholah wrote

If you don't like communism then there is a market price for your work. The market pays for work that was clasically done by men more.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahp3i1 wrote

Indeed. And, believe it or not, there are quite a few people who are not entirely convinced that that is the optimal situation for society or the economy, especially given the extremely high non-monetary value of these jobs.


Paxisstinkt t1_jaht4m9 wrote

True but we live in a (capitalistic) society that tries to fit everything in it. And how do you solve it?