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Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jahbce5 wrote

ITT: Guys claiming the gender pay gap doesn’t exist and then describing exactly what the gender pay gap is and how it exists in the exact form they’re denying


Kingkyle18 t1_jal4bsr wrote

Way to let reality fly right over your head… one is denying that women as a whole, on average, make less than men, on average. But if you look into it, using critical thinking and variables….you see there is no pay gap for the same jobs, or even it’s educated/ unmarried women with no kids making the most. But then again, that would take critical thinking….


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jalbakc wrote

You seem to be like a lot of others here who are confused by what gender pay gap means.

You just described what it is.


Kingkyle18 t1_jalcm0d wrote

Nope not confused at all….typically when people reference the “pay gap” they are insinuating that women get paid less than men for the exact same job (which would lead to companies hiring only women). They are also insinuating that it stems from sexism and/or bigotry towards women….that is also false.

Literally no one ever has denied the pay gap of lump averages by gender….the question is why


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaljhbg wrote

That’s not what it means or what people who say it are talking about.

It might be what you’ve wrongly thought they mean, but that’s all on you and Dr Peterson


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jam5tri wrote

You didn’t even read the first few pars of the first link, did you?


Kingkyle18 t1_janiafx wrote

Which one I sent multiple showing that people are saying women get paid less for doing the same as a man…..what are you missing here?


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jao57yo wrote

None of them say that.

They all contain the same explanation I’ve given you multiple times and none support you at all.


Kingkyle18 t1_jaoksvp wrote

“The wage gap persists when comparing women to men across similar education level, occupation, income and race.”

“Hillary Clinton called for stricter transparency laws to ensure women and men are paid equally for the same jobs”

“Democrats cite data that has found that the real median earnings of men and women who work full-time and year-round for the same amount of time”

I know reading is hard so I took quotes from these sources that explicitly say it, or imply it.

Do better.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaol2iu wrote

> “The wage gap persists when comparing women to men across similar education level, occupation, income and race.”

Jesus Christ, dude.

You’re out of your depth in the shallow end


Kingkyle18 t1_jaoqqsc wrote

I don’t think you even know what you’re trying to argue


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaorkr6 wrote

Holy shit, the irony might be too much now


Kingkyle18 t1_jaoxo8b wrote

Lol you claimed no one says “women are paid less for working the same job as men” I said people and leaders say it all the time….then I cited examples of people and politicians saying it…’ve provided nothing but a bunch jargon and clearly showing your lack of understanding


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaoxuy1 wrote

Your quote literally describes the pay gap exactly as I did.

Have you read any of this or are you just in full rage mode?

> > “The wage gap persists when comparing women to men across similar education level, occupation, income and race.”

Your quote from you link, mate. Clear as day. Says the same in all your other links too - the same thing I told you too

Just admit you didn’t know what gender pay gap means - not does Peterson or Tate or any of your other pet charlatans


Kingkyle18 t1_jaoyagm wrote

My quote literally says it like I did so you obviously agree with my original post….good to know…..sorry you can’t properly explain your perspective


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaoysem wrote

> “The wage gap persists when comparing women to men across similar education level, occupation, income and race.”

Did you actually read this?


Kingkyle18 t1_jap3zw4 wrote

Yes, so now you agree they say this? Then I’ll cite the countless economic papers that disprove that statement… remind you, your point was that no one says that women and men are paid differently for the same job… I’ve shown you people do say that (even though that is wrong)


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jap4e61 wrote

Just admit that neither you or Jordan Peterson has the first idea what you’re talking about here and learn from your mistake.

You haven’t found a single thing that supports your position because you have completely failed to understand what gender pay gap means.

That’s fine. You can always learn. But now that you’ve been told and read at least four articles that have also explained it to you, your continued ignorance is clearly wilful.

This isn’t a matter of opinion. You are stone cold wrong and every single thing you’ve posted shows it.


Kingkyle18 t1_jap6f6r wrote

Eh you can’t try to explain basic economics to stupid people….I tried…..there is no sexist pay gap where women make less because they are women…..but keep listening psychology majors tell you about the economy.

Sheep will be sheep though as they say


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jap7cxn wrote

> And although the gap may have been narrowed in many U.S. cities, nationally there is still a ways to go.

> The Institute for Women's Policy Research says that women who work full-time jobs in the U.S. are paid 83 cents on the dollar when compared with men.

And once again, your own sources immediately disagree with you


Kingkyle18 t1_jap9nzl wrote

There you Again quoting the stat that doesn’t take into account the same job…..only someone with a specific biased would knowingly exclude stats that go against their narrative…..just admit the pay gap is a fraud and not real


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japa7xb wrote

That’s because when people discuss gender pay gap they’re not talking about the same job.

The fact you’re too ideologicallly biased to understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Kingkyle18 t1_japc0e6 wrote

When people talk about the pay gap…..they imply it’s because of sexism….it’s not.

I love how you’ve literally changed your original point though….


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japcu7g wrote

My point remains that you have no idea what gender pay gap means so the rest of your ranting is irrelevant


Kingkyle18 t1_japhbgp wrote

I’ve just explained what gender gap is….a myth. No amount of sources or explaining will get that through your head


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japhsk5 wrote

I get it. You’re too dumb to understand what everyone else is talking about so you made up your own definition and decided it’s fake.

Very clever.