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Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jap7cxn wrote

> And although the gap may have been narrowed in many U.S. cities, nationally there is still a ways to go.

> The Institute for Women's Policy Research says that women who work full-time jobs in the U.S. are paid 83 cents on the dollar when compared with men.

And once again, your own sources immediately disagree with you


Kingkyle18 t1_jap9nzl wrote

There you Again quoting the stat that doesn’t take into account the same job…..only someone with a specific biased would knowingly exclude stats that go against their narrative…..just admit the pay gap is a fraud and not real


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japa7xb wrote

That’s because when people discuss gender pay gap they’re not talking about the same job.

The fact you’re too ideologicallly biased to understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Kingkyle18 t1_japc0e6 wrote

When people talk about the pay gap…..they imply it’s because of sexism….it’s not.

I love how you’ve literally changed your original point though….


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japcu7g wrote

My point remains that you have no idea what gender pay gap means so the rest of your ranting is irrelevant


Kingkyle18 t1_japhbgp wrote

I’ve just explained what gender gap is….a myth. No amount of sources or explaining will get that through your head


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_japhsk5 wrote

I get it. You’re too dumb to understand what everyone else is talking about so you made up your own definition and decided it’s fake.

Very clever.